Maybe i'm misunderstanding something here, but what does turning
notices into deprecations achieve? Because if you have deprecation
notices being logged then it shouldn't be extra work to log
notices/warnings as well right?

On Wed, 28 Aug 2019 at 16:16, Chase Peeler <> wrote:
> Well, one reason I was so vocal about short tags wasn't a love for short
> tags themselves. It wasn't even to prevent the detrimental effects of
> removing them. Honestly, the 2nd RFC wasn't a horrible option. It was more
> about the precedent that it set - pushing huge BC breaks on the users (most
> of which are voiceless in the process, because they aren't involved in the
> community at all, most not really aware there is anything to be involved
> with) with little, if any, positive gain.
> Let's see how this plays out a bit longer. It's too early to tell if it's a
> dying attempt to keep pushing those type of changes, which are destined to
> be rejected, or, evidence that we are still in danger of having such a
> precedent set.
> On Wed, Aug 28, 2019 at 10:11 AM Chase Peeler <> wrote:
> >
> >
> > On Wed, Aug 28, 2019 at 9:55 AM Reindl Harald <>
> > wrote:
> >
> >>
> >>
> >> Am 28.08.19 um 15:48 schrieb Chase Peeler:
> >> > If it is still done, then I think a deprecation path is a must. As
> >> > mentioned earlier, this doesn't necessarily mean E_DEPRECATION messages
> >> -
> >> > warnings will work too. The key is that error logs with more urgency
> >> than
> >> > notices are created that users can use to track down and fix issues.
> >>
> >> hell, there are notices for at least a decade
> >>
> >> error_log = "/var/log/php_error.log"
> >> error_reporting = E_ALL
> >> display_errors = 1
> >>
> >> this is my development *as well* production config on every machine
> >> since 16 years now and every warning/notice get fixed because every 30
> >> minutes the errorlog get mailed to every developer and admin
> >>
> >> turn logging on and start cleanup what you would have had a decade time.
> >
> >
> > Am I the only one getting tired of people telling me how I need to operate
> > just like they do? Everyone's circumstances are different. Just because
> > something is easy for you, or works well for you, doesn't mean it's easy or
> > even feasible for someone else. I've learned it's useless to try to explain
> > how my situation might not be exactly like everyone else's, so I'm not
> > going to waste the time doing it again.
> >
> > Why can't anyone see that taking on these myopic "My situation is the only
> > valid situation" views are going to kill this language.
> >
> > "I always initialize my variables, so, it's no big deal if everyone else
> > is forced to do so."
> > "I was able to find and replace all the short tags in my code in 5
> > minutes, so it should be easy for everyone else to do as well."
> > "We fix every single notice within 30 minutes of it popping up in a log.
> > You should be able to do that as well."
> > etc. etc. etc.
> >
> > Also, if you are going to try and tell me how I should my job, at least
> > have the guts to reply to the entire list instead of sending it to me in a
> > private reply. I'm obviously not afraid to turn around to make your reply
> > public, so it'll save everyone a bit of time.
> >
> > --
> > Chase Peeler
> >
> >
> --
> Chase Peeler

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