On Sat, 31 Aug 2019 at 02:31, Larry Garfield <la...@garfieldtech.com> wrote:
> [..]
> Whether editions is the "right" way to balance "don't break 1 million lines 
> of 15 year old code" with "this behavior is bad and we all know it" and with 
> "this behavior leads to sloppy code that is prone to bugs", I don't know.  
> I'm not sure what my stance is on these questions yet.

To me the main challenges seem to be to find a syntax that feels
natural, and then the technical feasibility of actually implementing
and maintaining this in the engine.
It probably does feel awkward to have declarations on top of every
file. And it would mean you need to make a conscious choice for every
new file and every new library. Not just a "yes or now", but to pick a
specific version or edition number. You would periodically modify your
code to increase this number.
So doing this on "package level", whatever this means, would have
clear advantages.

To some extent this awkwardness could be seen as the price for having
a language that historically started somewhere very different from
where we would like to see it in the future.

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