On Thu, 5 Sep 2019 at 14:29, Brent <bre...@stitcher.io> wrote:

> I believe GitHub is the way to go. Several large communities manage their
> OSS on it and have proven it works, PHP should simply do the same.

I think this is just as simplistic as saying "never". What are these
communities using it for, and what would we want to use it for? Are our
requirements the same as theirs, and is GitHub the best solution for those

For instance:

- Rust does not use GitHub as its primary co-ordination mechanism, it has
an online forum at https://internals.rust-lang.org/
- The ECMA TC39 committee has a specific membership structure and holds
regular in-person meetings
- There are undoubtedly more open-source communities _not_ using GitHub
than who _are_ using it

To be clear, I'm not saying these are reasons against GitHub in themselves,
but it's a rather huge leap from "here are four repos I found" to "GitHub
is the way to go"; we should be making specific arguments for why it will
meet our needs, and evaluating it among all the alternatives.

Rowan Tommins

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