On 14/09/2019 09:49, Mike Schinkel wrote:

But ironically I come to the exact opposite conclusion that your latter 
statements imply, i.e. that named parameters are not a generalizable enough 
feature and that object initializers are much more generalizable.

I think that's only true because you've actually proposed a number of related but different features.

1. Nested structures: Named parameters, assuming they are not shorthand for 
initializing objects could not support nested parameters, or at least not 
without a lot of other supporting additions to PHP too.

$car = new Car({
    yearOfProduction => 1975,
    vin => "12345678",
    engine => {
       type => "v8",
       capacity => "270ci",

I'm not sure what "nested parameters" could ever mean, other than initializing additional objects. And if these are additional objects, then named parameters work just as well in the nested case as in the non-nested one:

$car = new Car(
   yearOfProduction => 1975,
   vin => "12345678",
   engine => new Engine(
      type => "v8",
      capacity => "270ci",

Indeed, since these are named parameters to a function, you could also use a static factory method in the same place, which special-case initializer syntax wouldn't allow you to:

$car = new Car(
   yearOfProduction => 1975,
   vin => "12345678",
   engine => Engine::fromSerialNo(
      format => 'ISO',
      id => '123abc567'

2. Local usage
$stats = new class {
     int total   => 0,
     int mean    => 0,
     int average => 0,
     int median  => 0,

This already works:

$stats = new class {
    var int $total   = 0;
    var int $mean    = 0;
    var int $average = 0;
    var int $median  = 0;

What doesn't currently work is using variables from lexical scope in the definition:

$stats = new class {
    var int $total   = $a + $b;
    var int $mean    = $c;
    var int $average = $d;
    var int $median  = $e;

However, initializer syntax on its own doesn't solve this, because you wouldn't be able to specify the types for the properties; just combining existing syntax with initializers would give something like this:

$stats = new class {
    var int $total;
    var int $mean;
    var int $average;
    var int $median;
    total => $a + $a,
    mean => $c,
    average => $d,
    median => $e

You could certainly make the syntax of initializers and anonymous class definitions similar, but they're not really the same thing.

3. Passing to subroutines.  This is a contrived example, but it is emblematic 
of code I write daily.

class Query {
    public string[] $fields;
    public string $table;
    public Join $join;
    public string[] $where;
class QueryBuilder {
    function query(Query $query):object[] {
       if ( ! $this->validate($query) ) {
          throw new Exception("Dude!");
       $query = $this->build($query);
       return $this->run($query);
    function validate(Query $query) {
    function build(Query $query) {
$qb = new QueryBuilder();
$rows = $qb->query(Query{
    fields => [ 'id', 'name', 'cost' ],
    table  => 'products',
    where  => 'id=' . $productId,

The QueryBuilder class in this example has not benefited from object initializers at all; passing the Query object rather than separate parameters is a refactoring you can (and probably should) do right now.

The Query class, meanwhile, is no different from the previous examples, and the call would look just the same with named parameters to the constructor:

$qb = new QueryBuilder();
$rows = $qb->query(new Query(
   fields => [ 'id', 'name', 'cost' ],
   table  => 'products',
   where  => 'id=' . $productId,

As before, the definition of the class itself is simpler, but I think a short-hand syntax for constructors would be a better compromise than a syntax that only worked with public properties and parameterless constructors.

BTW, if I could have everything I want, I would really like following to work 

$rows = $qb->query({
    fields => [ 'id', 'name', 'cost' ],
    table  => 'products',
    where  => 'id=' . $productId,

Note above I omitted Query{} and just used {} when calling $qb->query() because 
PHP should be able to see the signature for query() and pass the initialized 
values to instantiate a Query object instead of a stdClass instance.

This is an interesting additional proposal, which I admit would be awkward to implement without initializer syntax. One limitation is that it only works if dependencies are declared as concrete classes not interfaces - which like public properties is not "wrong" per se, but limits the scope of the feature.

Conceptually let me ask, How is { yearOfProduction = 1975, vin = "12345678"} 
really any different from an instance of an anonymous class with the properties 
yearOfProduction and vin?

Named parameters are (or would be) a way of setting a bunch of variables; they're not linked as an object of any sort, so I don't think there's a natural comparison to anonymous classes at all.

we could use something like func_get_args(ARGS_OBJECT) to allow us to capture 
the grouped parameters as an instance of an object of anonymous class 
containing properties for each named parameter

This again is an interesting proposal, but completely unrelated to object initializer syntax.

If I understand it right, the next example relies on the combination of anonymous class initialisers, named class initialisers, and named parameters all using the same syntax, with context determining whether someFunction({bar => 1, baz => 2}) means a) pass two integer parameters; b) create and pass a single anonymous class instance; or c) create and pass a single instance of some class. The examples look really neat on their own, but imagine coming on that syntax in someone else's code and trying to work out what it was doing.

There's definitely some interesting ideas here, but they're not all part of one feature, and they all rely on particular ways of structuring your code.


Rowan Tommins (né Collins)

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