Hi all,

I am relatively new to discussions on the list, and so I have tried to 
understand the ethos of the community to stay within bounds that the community 
generally considers acceptable.  

However I am realizing those the bound of acceptability may be fluid at times 
so I am asking explicitly for clarification.

1. What is acceptable to discuss in an RFC discussion thread?  

Recently while discussing object initializers I was told "I think that's only 
true because you've actually proposed a number of related but different 
features," "This is an interesting additional proposal," and "This again is an 
interesting proposal, but completely unrelated to object initializer syntax."  

But I was replying to a message where a frequent and I believe a respected 
contributor wrote the following, also unrelated to the RFC: "My strong 
preference over this feature would be named parameters, which can provide the 
same abbreviated initializations, but works more consistently with the 
language, e.g. for all of the use-cases I cited above."

I am not naming names because I am not trying to make this about those people 
but instead to understand what is appropriate to discuss during an RFC.  So Is 
it is appropriate to discuss:

1. Alternatives to the RFC?
2. Enhancements to the RFC?
3. Modifications to the RFC?
4. Other features that are a pre-requisite for the RFC's feature?
5. Other features that would add value to the RFC's feature?

2. Are "amendments" acceptable for RFC discussions?

I am thinking of Congress in the USA, Parliament in the UK, and other political 
governing bodies. My understanding is that bills are introduced and they have 
the possibility of being amended by other members of the political body.  

Comparing that to the RFC process it seems RFCs are like bills; is there an 
amendment process, and if so how does it work?  From what I can to amend an RFC 
requires getting the original submitter to modify it, which if that is the 
process that is understandable.

However, what seems strange is that I also understand there is a 6 month 
moratorium on revisiting a topic that did not pass by RFC, but an RFC could 
potentially not pass because of details in the RFC and not because the overall 
idea is bad. 

If I understand correctly, this means others cannot restart a topic for 6 
months because the person who first drafted the failed RFC did not or would not 
incorporate aspects that might have allowed it to pass?

3. Why is there not more transparency for why RFCs pass or do not pass?

Looking in from the outside I see is almost no transparency related to reasons 
why RFCs pass vs. don't pass. When I visit the RFCs of past I see lots of votes 
but almost no rationale why those votes passed or failed.

There are a few active members on the list, but many more people who have a 
vote who I think rarely if ever comment on the list.  So it seems impossible to 
determine what the objections are from the people who vote against an RFC.  
Which means it will be hard to address their concerns as time goes on and other 
languages evolve because of userland demand to add the features that PHP voted 

Unlike the US Supreme Court and I assume many other nation's supreme courts, 
the people with an RFC vote are not required to write or join an opinion as to 
the reason for or against an RFC. 

This unfortunate state means the rationale for the PHP group voting for or 
against an RFC is lost to the mists of time, except for the history left by the 
few vocal people who have the free time to participate on the list in 
discussions. Most of the people with a vote rarely opine on the list, or that 
is the impression I am getting.


Thanks in advance for reading and responding to these questions. And based on 
the replies, I may have a few more follow up questions.


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