> Le 11 oct. 2019 à 11:12, Olumide Samson <oludons...@gmail.com> a écrit :
> On Fri, Oct 11, 2019, 9:29 AM Benjamin Morel <benjamin.mo...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>>> As people have expressed interest in hearing about direct technical
>>> benefits that these kinds of changes have ... let me give you an example
>>> that came up yesterday.
>> Too bad this example comes after the vote has been made, and failed.
>> This would be a very strong argument in favour of using exceptions
>> everywhere in the next major version: codebase cleanup, room for more
>> optimization.
>> Nikita, please fork PHP, we'll follow you ;-)
>> — Benjamin
> I think I'm always available to contribute to a fork of a better PHP, coz I
> love the syntax not the garbages included in the current one.

If you’re seeking a fork of PHP that wilfully breaks BC for the sake of cleanup 
and optimisation, you should seriously consider Hack. Although I don’t know 
whether they’ve already removed support of the appalling implicit 
initialisation of  variables to `null`, or of the dreadful backtick operator, 
you’ll be delighted to learn that they’re on the process of removing 
references, PHP arrays (in favour of Hack arrays and collections), and even 
that little pesky `<?php` tag that plagues the first line of every PHP file. ;-)


Enjoy. (But not with me: our company does not have the budget to migrate 30 Mo 
of code without counting external libraries.)


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