> On Oct 11, 2019, at 10:21 AM, Nikita Popov <nikita....@gmail.com 
> <mailto:nikita....@gmail.com>> wrote:
>> Hi!
>> So maybe it narrows down to:
>> Is there an essencial attempt to improve `exit()` handling from the
>> userland perspective or should the focus be solely on solving the
>> memory management issue pointed out in the beginning of the thread?
>> If the scope is to also improve userland, option 3 could be the way to
>> go indeed but I confess to do not be a fan of another callback
>> registering thing... it feels hard to predict when you consider:
>> ```
>> catch_exit(function(){
>>    exit(); // what happens here? We still have to guarantee `exit` to
>> halt at some point.
>> });
>> ```
>> And what are the interactions with `register_shutdown_function`? I
>> suppose the `catch_exit` stack has to be run before the
>> `register_shutdown_function` stack? Considering the behavior in the
>> docs.
> I think I was a bit unclear in how the catch_exit() function is intended to
> work: It's not an atexit handler, it's basically a try/catch block for
> exits.
> $exitExceptionOrNull = catch_exit(function() {
>    // Run code that may contain exit() here
> });
> or possibly even more explicitly as:
> catch_exit(function() {
>    // Run code that may contain exit() here
> }, function($exitCode, $exitMessage) {
>    // This is called if an exit() occurred
> });

The second option seems better, as it's a lot more obvious what code will be 
executed if exit() is called and what will not be.

Would a set_exit_handler function be possible, similar to set_exception_handler?

> I like option 4 much more for now. It allows tackling the root issue
>> and still leaves possibilities open regarding how the exception
>> hierarchy could be and how the handling of `exit` could happen
>> (through a catch at userspace or callback registering).
> I guess we should do that as the first step in any case ... everything else
> would be extensions on top of that, but this would be the main technical
> groundwork.
> Nikita

Option 4 of course would be fine for now. Once that's done, we can decide how 
exits could be "caught" in the future.

> On Fri, Oct 11, 2019 at 5:13 PM Marcio Almada <marcio.w...@gmail.com 
> <mailto:marcio.w...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>> EngineShutdown could be a special exception to the engine, being handled
>> like an exception internally, but not implement Throwable and therefore not
>> an exception from user-land's point-of-view.
>>> EngineShutdown could be added to the list of "throwables", but forbid
>> instigation in user-land.
>> https://github.com/php/php-src/blob/db233501ff9d56765ef4a870b777a643c2136711/Zend/zend_exceptions.c#L909-L916
>> <https://github.com/php/php-src/blob/db233501ff9d56765ef4a870b777a643c2136711/Zend/zend_exceptions.c#L909-L916>
>>> No catch block would catch it, because it wouldn't implement Throwable
>> nor extend Exception or Error.
>> Very elegant solution!
>> PS: Naming things is hard, but `Throwable` could not have been a
>> better choice in retrospect. Ty ;)

Thanks! Every once-in-a-while I manage to name something correctly!

>>> Aaron Piotrowski
>> Márcio

Aaron Piotrowski

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