On Sun, 20 Oct 2019 at 22:35, Mike Schinkel <m...@newclarity.net> wrote:

> What restriction are you referring to?  The forced `default` or the
> semi-colon being required?

Neither; I was referring to not being able to put a switch expression as a
statement on its own, which Kosit has explained is a limitation of the

> I would much prefer to use a switch for multiple, mutually exclusive cases
> no matter what how complex the expression is because with a switch the
> cases expressions line up vertically. With `if` and `else if` it is harder
> to vertically eyeball the different mutually exclusive cases.

I've never particularly been bothered by it, but wouldn't adding four
spaces in your "if" statement make it line up with all your "elseif"

> The "return" case in particular seems ambiguous - if $v is visible outside
> the function, will it have a value assigned to it by the "return" branch,
> and if so what would that value be?
> It should have its prior value, since the expression did not complete.
> Alternately we could choose to always assign it null on return or break.
> But how often will we have this use-case?  Only for global variables,
> which hopefully will eventually become extinct in userland code.

Not just global variables, no; it could be assigning an object property
($this->foo = switch($x){ case 1 => return 1; }) for instance. It could
also be in the argument for a function call ( doSomething(switch($x){ case
1 => return 1; }) ) in which case presumably the function would not be
called at all? Overall, having a "return" in the middle of an expression
would be very confusing, I think.

> That said, we should almost be able to do *both*, and just let PHP throw
> an error if there is a problem. This would be useful if you know 100% that
> the code won't fail because of the code that came before it:
> if ( is_numeric($_GET['id'] ?? 0 ) ) {
>     $id = intvar($_GET['id'] ?? 0);
>      $user = getUser(<int>$id):
> }

I'm not sure what the point of this example is. You've just cast to int, so
the assertion can never fail, and if getUser has a type hint, it's about to
make that assertion anyway.

Rowan Tommins

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