> On Oct 24, 2019, at 6:49 PM, Ken Stanley <doh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I would be keen to see the more expressive techniques that retain the
> succinctness of having a not-null coalescing operator.

When I read your first example, I immediately thought I would handle your 
example in this way:

$user->setFName( $_SERVER[ 'fname' ] ?? null );
$user->setLName( $_SERVER[ 'lname' ] ?? null );
$user->setMName( $_SERVER[ 'mname' ] ?? null );
$user->setPhone( $_SERVER[ 'phone' ] ?? null );
$user->setEmail( $_SERVER[ 'email' ] ?? null );

Admittedly it does not require the functionality of your proposed operator, and 
it delegates the null handling to the set*() methods, but it is more succinct 
and does not require duplicating `$_SERVER[ '*' ]`, so it would be a winner for 

I also do not mind putting more effort into writing functions if it means less 
effort required to call the functions. But maybe that is just me?

Your 2nd example was more compelling for me, but Sara's nullsafe calls RFC uses 
a syntax that is more clear and obvious to me.

Is there a 3rd or 4th use-case you have that are unlike the first two?


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