On Tue, Oct 8, 2019 at 6:02 AM Reinis Rozitis <r...@roze.lv> wrote:

> Not directly related to this RFC but out of curiosity - where does
> this "doing the same thing in multiple ways is confusing" comes from?
> (I mean this as serious question)
> I had the impression that programming in essence is all about that -
> achieving/accomplishing something/the same different ways?

Of course there will always be an infinite number of logical ways to
structure a program, but this is quite different from having two
different syntaxes in a language that do exactly the same thing. The
latter is confusing since it's no longer clear which syntax should be
used. The same situation existed with the curly brace array/string
access syntax, which was deprecated in PHP 7.4.

To share my own experience, when I first started needing to run shell
commands in PHP and came across the backtick operator, I struggled to
understand the difference between it and `shell_exec`, and which
should be used in different circumstances. E.g. does the backtick
operator automatically escape variables? Is it faster than
`shell_exec`? It also caused me to assume that `shell_exec` must be
preferred for some reason over `exec` and `proc_open` since there is
a dedicated syntax for it.

Ultimately it made the whole process of learning how to correctly run
commands from PHP a lot more confusing than it should have been.

I know I'm not the only one that has been confused by it. If you look
at the PHP manual page for Execution Operators [1], the top voted
comment (by far) is from someone who accidentally typed a backtick
into their code and had a very difficult time debugging why their
script didn't work as expected.

As I see it, this syntax is not only confusing, but also dangerous.
A programmer coming from JavaScript might think the backticks are
simply storing a string, when in fact it will be executed as a command.
Furthermore, the (undocumented) ability to include variables in the
command can encourage terse but insecure scripts which fail to
properly escape user-supplied arguments.


[1]: https://www.php.net/manual/en/language.operators.execution.php
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