Respected Divine Friends,
May Lord bless you with "SPANDA" (Divine Vibrations) and guide you towards  a 
total success in 2009.
Virendra Qazi
Lalleshwari International Trust 
(Revival:  India's Oriental Glory & Wisdom)
Delhi - India. ( 91 – 11- 26892972 ) M - ( 91 -  9818211796 ) vqazi/index.html

Svacchanda Bhairava 
(Riding on Rudra)
14th century mystic poetess & Shaiva Yogini of Kashmir    
LALLESHWARI (Lalla) says:
You are the Sky, You are the earth,
You are the day, the very air, the night,
You are the grain-offering, sandal paste, flowers and water too,
You are everything, O Lord!
So what can we offer You


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