Podcasts permit a shift of listening time from a set appointment to virtually 
any convenient occasion.  I do it while taking my daily (more or less) 3 mile 
walk, while I’m “plodding along”.

While there are thousands, perhaps tens of thousands, of great podcasts from 
other sources, the ones sponsored via public radio have been vetted through the 
worthy objectives of the medium. 

Here’s what I’ve been listening to recently.  I hope you might find these 
suggestions — in roughly 90 minute bites -- helpful in enhancing your own 
enjoyment of radio, our favorite medium.
__ __

“Late Night Live celebrates the 90th birthday of the ABC”
LATE NIGHT LIVE - ABC RN (Radio National)
To mark the 90th birthday of the ABC IN 2022, former ABC employee John Pickup 
recalled just some of his terrifying and moving experiences during his 42 year 
career - from the Melbourne Olympic Games to his years in Broken Hill. Marion 
Consadine and Nicola Laurent explain what an ABC archivist does and why their 
job is so important to both the ABC and the country, particularly when 
celebrating a milestone like the 90th anniversary. (53”)

“Jens Stoltenberg: Is Russia really preparing for a war with Nato?”
HARDTalk - BBC World Service
Sarah Montague is at Nato’s headquarters in Brussels to speak to its outgoing 
Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg. Two years after Russia’s full scale 
invasion of Ukraine, is Vladimir Putin now preparing for a war with Nato? (23”)

— — 

A compendium of these suggestions, plus on occasion additional pertinent 
material, is published in most editions of the CIDX Messenger, the monthly 
e-newsletter of the Canadian International DX Club (CIDX).  For further 
information and membership information, go to www.cidx.ca

John Figliozzi
Editor, "The Worldwide Listening Guide”
NEW!!!!  11th EDITION now available from universal-radio.com, amazon.com. 
amazon.co.uk, amazon.de, amazon.com.au

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