
Call for Papers

"Counterpoints: Edward Said's Legacy"
Interdisciplinary Colloquium
University of Ottawa
Carleton University
Ottawa, ON (Canada)
31 October - 2 November 2008


This bilingual English/French colloquium celebrates the
works of one of the world’s most compelling intellectuals,
the Palestinian-American thinker Edward Said (November 1st
1935- September 23rd 2003), author of "Orientalism,"
"Culture and Imperialism," and "Out of Place" among other
famous books. The colloquium revolves around the theme of
"Counterpoint," extensively used by Said as the interplay of
diverse ideas and various "discrepant" cultural experiences.

As Said writes in Culture and Imperialism:
"As we look back at the cultural archive, we begin to reread
it not univocally but contrapuntally, with a simultaneous
awareness both of the metropolitan history that is narrated
and of those other histories against which (and together
with which) the dominating discourse acts."

Following Said’s legacy this colloquium envisions a
polyphonic, interdisciplinary engagement from fields as
broad as comparative literature, sociology, anthropology,
history, postcolonial studies, Diaspora studies, musicology,
and political science with a special focus on Middle Eastern

The organizers seek papers/ panel proposals drawing from or
expanding on the following themes:
- Colonialism and Imperialism: A Middle Eastern Context
- Transnationalism and Reflections on Exile
- Overlapping Territories and Imaginative Geographies
- Language, History and the Production of Knowledge
- The Arab World: States, Territories and Refugees.
- Gender, Class and Orientalism
- Criticism and French Philosophy
- Otherness in the Arts
- Representations of the Secular
- Power, Politics and Truth

Please send a 200 word abstract of paper/panel proposals to:

Deadline for paper/panel submission: July 15th, 2008

For more information please contact:
may.telmiss...@uottawa.ca or nahla_a...@carleton.ca


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