
Call for Papers

Theme: Race, Migration, Citizenship
Subtitle: Postcolonial and Decolonial Perspectives
Type: International Conference
Institution: Department of Sociology, University of Warwick
   Birmingham and Midland Institute
Location: Birmingham (United Kingdom)
Date: 4.–5.7.2013
Deadline: 14.12.2012


Against the backdrop of decolonisation, a global economic boom was
accompanied by tightened border controls, ever more punitive asylum
regimes and limited access to citizenship. Immigration from former
colonies to former metropoles has been limited in the postcolonial
period as racialised discourses have set the West in opposition to an
alien ‘rest’. Now, in this ‘age of austerity’, the strength of the
old powers is weakening as other parts of the world, the so called
‘BRICs’, grow in strength. Yet the old racial hierarchies appear
stubbornly resonant within Europe and the white settler colonies and
other hierarchies, for example around caste, are increasingly coming
to the fore in other countries. Foregrounding postcolonial and
decolonial perspectives, this conference will provide a forum in
which to discuss the context for emerging patterns of exclusion, for
asking what the conditions for political equality might be, and for
posing the question “what has ‘race’ got to do with migration and
citizenship?” among many others.

Abstracts of no more than 200 words are welcomed from across the
social scences and humanities on the following themes:

1. Race, Racism, and Prejudice
2. Racial and Colonial Institutional Orders
3. Modernity/Coloniality and Global (In)justice
4. Asylum after Empire
5. Cosmopolitan Citizens and Multicultural Societies: The New Crisis
   of Europe
6. Europe and Africa. Citizenship and the Legacies of Colonialism
7. Diaspora, Colonialism, and Postcolonialism

Send your abstracts to rrmc2...@live.co.uk
Deadline for abstracts: 14th December 2012


Gurminder K. Bhambra and Lucy Mayblin
Phone: +44 121 236-3591
Email: rrmc2...@live.co.uk
Web: http://rmcconference.wordpress.com


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