
Call for Publications

Theme: Globalism from Below
Publication: Studies in the Humanities
Date: 2013
Deadline: 30.12.2012


'Studies in the Humanities' calls for contributions for a double
issue on the subject of globalism from below. Articles and essays are
invited by December 30th, 2012, on an examination of globalizing
flows and circulations at the periphery/margins as well as the
center, especially as they relate to resistance to neo-liberal
globalization as neo-colonialism. The objective is to illuminate
neoliberal corporate globalism as only one destructive model of
globalization; not only are there other alternative sustainable
paradigms of economic globalization but these other globalization
movements are aligned to global peace and social justice movements.
These alternative globalization movements from below are vibrant
indigenous cultural global resistance movements like the Arab Spring
and Occupy movements and include the active reception and engagement
with, and resistance to neocolonial neoliberal corporate
globalization. In late capitalism the ninety nine percenters are not
only consuming and distributed publics, they are producing publics
who re-produce and re-make the media and culture.

Essays are welcome that address any aspect of the re-production and
re-making of media, literary-cultural, and creative output : topics
may include but are not limited to the creative translation,
localizing and indigenizing potentialities in corporate globalism
through the re-claimation of technologies of the past and the present
to assist in mounting and arming the resistance to counteract the
depredations of neoliberal globalization; the dialectical movement
between the local and the international or global (expressed in the
clichéd phrase “glocalism”) and the hybrid or mestiza, mixing the
past (the premodern) and the modern, into the postmodern; the status
of postcolonial theory in Globalization Studies and the
recontextulization of globalization studies within postcolonial
theory; the destructive developmental legacy of colonialism with a
fresh elucidation of the complicity of the nation state in the
neocolonization of its own resources and peoples in neoliberal
economic globalism; the subversion of binaries like the city and the
countryside, the center and the periphery, low/popular and high/elite
culture, the post-industrial information societies and developing
societies, the eternally new in postmodernism and the postmodern in
the pre-modern or the new in the old, and vice versa. The reversal
also puts the media-tion of the counter-publics or multitudes or
ninety-nine percent in the forefront of the agenda for globalization
studies in general and cultural studies in particular.

The journal website is still in development so an electronic copy of
the manuscript, double-spaced, in 12-pt. Times New Roman font using
Chicago style of documentation should be submitted to
reena.d...@iup.edu or dubere...@gmail.com. Please do not include your
name anywhere on your manuscript. Place it on an accompanying letter
or separate page. Also please do not use embedded endnotes or
footnotes. Footnotes should be at the end of the essay with no
division between them and the text or the Works Cited list that
should follow it. Email inquires regarding possible essay topics may
be sent to: reena.d...@iup.edu


Reena Dube, Editor
Studies in the Humanities
Department of English
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
110 Leonard Hall
Indiana, PA 15705
Email: reena.d...@iup.edu


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