
Call for Papers

Theme: Accommodation Policies and Territorial Dynamics in
Type: International Conference
Institution: Center of Excellence "Cultural Foundations of Social
Integration", University of Konstanz
Location: Konstanz (Germany)
Date: 13.–15.6.2013
Deadline: 31.1.2013


Questions of how to accommodate cultural diversity have become
increasingly important not only in Western Europe but also as part of
processes of democratization outside Europe. Apart from the
renaissance of internal nations within states, mobility and
immigration are transforming the cultural composition of societies
increasing their heterogeneity. Cultural communities differ in terms
of language, religion, cultural tradition, and national or ethnic
identity. Demands for special recognition or protection of group
distinctiveness are challenging liberal principles of equality and
raise questions about belonging, identity, in- and exclusion. Apart
from practical problems of finding solutions satisfying for divergent
groups, policies of integration also touch on normative principles of
living together within one state.

The aim of the conference is to shed light on these fundamental
questions and to compare policies of diversity management in
different contexts. Territorially concentrated minorities, dispersed
linguistic communities, and immigrant groups may also overlap within
one state. Policies of diversity may be rendered more complex but may
also interact and create tensions or conflicts between different
communities. We intend to approach these issues of accommodation,
integration and internal dynamics from different theoretical
perspectives and include a variety of studies of different types of
communities and the policies directed at their demands. Single case
studies are as welcome as small and large N comparisons covering
cultural communities in Europe as well as other world areas.

We invite proposals covering the following topics:

- Theoretical and normative reflections: Studies may reflect on
tensions between individual and group rights, liberalism and
multiculturalism, or the right to secession and the integrity of the
state. Questions may center on the way policies of accommodation are
justified in liberal democracies, or on how they are related to other
normative principles like justice or equality.

- Studies of cultural communities and diversity management: We would
like to encourage examinations of different strategies of conflict
regulation (federalism, consociationalism, non-territorial cultural
autonomy), in their potential and limits for managing conflicts
between different cultural communities.

- Comparisons of different types of communities: Papers in this
section focus on similarities and differences between territorially
concentrated minorities, dispersed linguistic communities or
immigrant groups in different world areas, analyzing their demands as
well as mobilization potential and the different policies directed at
their needs. Since political parties are relevant actors in
negotiating policies of accommodation questions of how they are
positioning themselves on issues of cultural diversity become
relevant especially in case of regionalist or nationalist parties.

- Internal dynamics between levels of governments and communities:
This section shall deal with the consequences of policies of
accommodation. Dynamics can the result of granting or denying special
rights or forms of autonomy, but may also include interactions
between different groups and their rights. Questions of
accountability or sovereignty in case of shared jurisdictions may
also arise in consequence of an increasingly fragmented allocation of
power and resources.

Please submit an abstracts (250 words) no later than 31 January 2013

Nathalie Behnke, University of Konstanz,

Bettina Petersohn, University of Konstanz,

The conference is organized by the research project “The dynamics of
group conflicts in multinational multi-level systems – integration or
accommodation?” and will be funded by the Center of Excellence
“Cultural Foundations of Social Integration” of the University of

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