
Call for Papers

Theme: Contemporary Philosophy of Religion 
Type: 1st International Conference
Institution: Iranian Association for Philosophy of Religion
   Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies
Location: Tehran (Iran)
Date: 13.–14.1.2014
Deadline: 15.12.2013


In the contemporary world and despite the differences, divergences,
tensions, and conflicts, mankind is desperately seeking a sustainable
and reliable source and way of peace, prosperity and happiness.

Philosophy of Religion is considered by its large community to be
competent to make a bridge from the Abstraction to the Action and
from the West to the East in order to solve or resolve the separation
to the unification.

Since religion might be the most common and valuable element of human
life, any dialogue, understanding and exchange of ideas based on such
a foundation could result in very productive and fruitful outcomes
and consequences.

Thus the Iranian Association for Philosophy of Religion have decided
to organize the First Contemporary Philosophy of Religion conference
to be held in Tehran, Iran, at The Institute for Humanities and
Cultural Studies in order to establish the unique ground for dialogue
and understanding among the very influential community of Philosophy
of Religion from both West and East.

Conference Themes

The two-day conference will explore the following issues:
- Comparative Theology
- Science and Religion / Religious Science
- Religious Diversity
- Philosophy of Religion and Islamic Wisdom (Hekmat)


Proposals of papers should consist of a title, a 150-250 word
abstract, and the author's name and full contact information.

Deadline: 15th December 2013.
Early submissions are especially welcome.

Please submit proposals (in MS Word) or queries to:
philorc...@gmail.com or amir.sad...@gmail.com


The Conference is organized by Iranian Association for Philosophy of
Religion (philor), in cooperation with The Institute for Humanities
and Cultural Studies (ihcs).


Amir Sadeghi, Executive Director
Iranian Association for Philosophy of Religion
No. 4, 64th Street, Kurdestan Express
Tel: +98 21 88048001
Fax: +98 21 88036317
Email: philorc...@gmail.com
Web: http://www.philorconf.org/2014/


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