
Call for Publications

Publication: Journal of Critical Southern Studies
Date: Issue 2 (January 2014)
Deadline: 15.9.2013


The Journal of Critical Southern Studies is a new multidisciplinary,
peer-reviewed journal dedicated to scholarship from and about The
Global South, broadly defined.

The Journal of Critical Southern Studies welcomes submissions on all
aspects of Southern studies. This may include but not limited to:
- teasing out reflections on the configuration of global systems
- interrogating knowledge-production and institutions of power
- reshaping of established perceptions through counter-hegemonic
- offering or exploring alternative ways of knowing and being
- studies of the environment and the South
- literary analyses outside the canon
- examinations of South-South exchanges in gender studies, religion
  and theology
- examinations of South–South exchanges in all their various

Research on, and perspectives from, the Global South are increasingly
captured in mainstream literature. But such representations often
tend to be skewed towards mainstream narratives. Often, where
research methodologies and findings depart from the mainstream,
probabilities of publication – or even passing mention in
bibliographic references – are significantly reduced. Of course what
this has done is to subdue and marginalise voices and perspectives
from the South. But there are more disempowering aspects to the
suppression of Southern voices. The dominance of particular thinking,
especially the kind that validates perspectives from mainstream
scholarship, implies that voices from the Global South stand little
chance of being heard. The downside to this – one that has been
lamented over many years – seems to be that what is reflected in
mainstream publications is sometimes seen as representing the

Yet the universal is often neither representative of, nor in sync
with, the voices, perspectives and interests of the Global South. In
Africa and elsewhere, Northern ideological dominance continues to
consolidate marginalisation and disenfranchisement. Although there
have been attempts to rectify this with the emergence of Third
World-specific journals and research agenda, the impact has been
largely minimal. This is because as Peter Mason notes, writing about
‘otherness’ is still pretty much writing otherwise. There is,
therefore, need for alternative research and publication outlets
whose particular focus could help the scoping of gaps in modern
research. Doing so would bring to the frontline what Boaventura de
Sousa Santos calls an ‘epistemology of the South.’

The Journal of Critical Southern Studies was founded as part of
efforts to provide an authentic outlet for the promotion and
representation of ‘otherness’ through the lenses of Southern voices.
Its departure point is the understanding that ‘throughout the world
there are practical alternatives to the current status quo of which,
however, we rarely take notice, simply because such alternatives are
not visible or credible to our ways of thinking.’ Part of the
inability to ‘rarely take notice’ has been the fact that the Global
South remains ‘constituted as an intrinsically disqualified being.’
And so long as this continues, there will be dominance and
suppression, the result of which would expand and consolidate what
Upendra Baxi calls ‘geographies of injustices.’

The JCSS is currently accepting manuscripts for its second issue.
Manuscripts need not address the subjects listed above but should
deal, in a substantive way, with issues concerning the Global South.
The journal will also consider book reviews, research notes, and
briefings as specified in the submission guidelines.

Dedicated to the promotion of inter-disciplinary, cross-regional
Global South studies, the JCSS is published twice a year, in July and
January. The journal only considers original, unpublished manuscripts
of high scholarly quality not under review by other journals.
Manuscripts should be 8,000 to 12,000 words in length, and include an
abstract of 50-100 words. References and citations as well as general
manuscript format should conform to our submission guidelines at:

The deadline for submission of manuscripts is September 15, 2013. The
second issue is scheduled to come out on January 31, 2014. Please
send all manuscripts with “Manuscript Submission” in the subject line
to: j...@global-hands.co.uk.

Editor: Baba Galleh Jallow (babajal...@creighton.edu)


Baba Galleh Jallow, Editor
Journal of Critical Southern Studies
Email: j...@global-hands.co.uk
Web: https://jcss.our.dmu.ac.uk


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