
Call for Papers

Theme: Political Science in the 21st Century
Subtitle: New Opportunities and Impasses:
Theorizing and Experiencing Politics
Type: Political Science Conference (POLITSCI '13)
Institution: Eastern Mediterranean Academic Research Center (DAKAM)
Location: Istanbul (Turkey)
Date: 31.10.–2.11.2013
Deadline: 26.7.2013


The conference aims to provide a platform for a variety of academic
discussions on "theory" and "praxis" based on original researches
that will broaden our insights into the field of political science.
It also aims to constitute a forum for prolific exchanges between
different theoretical perspectives, interests and concerns prevalent
within this exciting field of study.

We encourage submission of abstracts derived from papers in
disciplines other than political science hoping to engage in
trans-disciplinary dialogues that will be helpful for adding to our
understanding of what political theory may mean for people today
living in rapidly changing national, social and cultural contexts.
Our hope is to initiate fruitful discussions for expanding the
horizons of political theory which aims to overcome the limits of
traditional boundaries, mainstream perspectives and concerns.


I. Politics of Class and Social Change
- Theory, Action and Social Protests
- Power, Sovereignty and Resistance
- New Forms of Class Struggle

II. Politics and Ideology in Contemporary World
- Theorizing the Future: Ideas, Utopias and Dystopias
- Post-modern Ideologies and the Meanings of Politics

III. Nationalism and Cosmopolitanism
- Citizenship, Nation-State and Globalization
- Identity Construction and Multicultural Politics
- Transnational Studies and Identity Politics

IV. Teaching and Learning Politics
- Debates on Methodology in Politics
- New Interdisciplinary Approaches to Political Science
- Teaching Difficult and/or Controversial Subjects
- The Nature and Purpose of Political Theory

V. State, Violence and Construction of Social Order
- Militarism, Politics and Violence
- Surveillance and the State
- The Loss of Authority and Meaning in the Contemporary World

VI. Gender and Politics
- Trends in Women's Political Citizenship and Representation
- Gender Politics and Space

VII. Politics of Time, Space and Memory
- Cultural Heritage and Memory Spaces
- Politics of Memory
- Politics of Urban Restructuring


Deadline for submission of abstracts: July 26, 2013
Final date for registration: Aug 9, 2013
Deadline for full papers submission: Aug 23, 2013

In-person participation:
Regular conference presentation, the participants attend personally.
One of the authors will present their work in a 15-20 minutes time.
If you have to cancel your place at the conference after
registration, one of your colleagues can attend in your place. A
substitution can then be made, and no extra charge or cancellation
penalty is incurred.

Virtual presentation:
A virtual participation is also available if you are unable to attend
the conference in-person. You will submit a PowerPoint presentation
with voice-over (optional) or a video before the conference. This
presentation will be shown in one of the venue halls according to the
conference program. Your work will be included in the conference
program and proceedings in a special format.

Poster presentation:
A poster presentation is also available if you are unable to attend
the conference in-person. Your poster will be exhibited in the
exhibition hall of the conference venue during the conference. Your
work will be included in the conference proceedings.

Acceptance of a conference proposal for a virtual participant is
based on the same criteria as that for an attending participant.
Virtual and poster presentations will be included in the conference
proceedings book in a special format.

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