
Call for Papers

Theme: Human Rights and Change
Type: ISA Human Rights Joint Conference 2014
Institution: Human Rights Section, International Studies Association 
   Human Rights Section, American Political Science Association 
   Human Rights Research Committee, International Political Science
   Standing Group on Human Rights and Transition, European Consortium
for Political Resaerch
   Kadir Has Üniversitesi
Location: Istanbul (Turkey)
Date: 16.–18.6.2014
Deadline: 1.12.2013


The human rights sections of the American Political Science
Association, the European Consortium for Political Research, the
International Political Science Association, and the International
Studies Association, are pleased to announce the third joint
international conference on human rights, on the theme “Human Rights
and Change” to take place 16-18 June 2014 at Kadir Has Üniversitesi
in Istanbul. The conference will take place immediately before the
annual meeting of the Academic Council on the United Nations System
(19-21 June), also in Istanbul.

The so-called Arab Spring which began in early 2011 seemed to herald
significant change in the human rights situation in the Middle
East/North Africa, as well as broader regional and global political
change. Yet, the changes have been highly ambiguous, both from a
human rights perspective and a broader political perspective. The
Arab Spring appears to be a product of significant normative and
institutional change as well as a cautionary tale about the limits
and ambiguities of change. This conference will address this theme of
change – not only in the Middle East, but also globally. Thus, while
there will be a number of panels and other events focused on the
Middle East, a significant portion of the conference will deal with
much broader contexts and issues, and paper submissions which address
the broader theme in any context are welcome.  We also welcome, and
indeed actively encourage, participation from non-academics who are
involved in human rights practice. Some of the questions to be
addressed in the conference include:

- How do we understand change in the realm of human rights? What
  theoretical and conceptual perspectives do we have to help us
  analyze change?
- What is the relationship between broader geopolitical change and
  human rights development? Is human rights a product or a cause of
  such change?
- How do we explain changes in norms, laws and societies?
- Is change a top-down or bottom-up process?
- Has our understanding of human rights changed?
- Is human rights expansion a teleological process? Do we assume that
  it is?
- How do we deal with competing norms in times of flux?
- How have human rights been integrated (or not) into domestic legal
  and political orders?
- What role do human rights play in transitional justice processes?
- What explains the Arab Spring?
- How does the Arab Spring confirm or challenge current approaches to
  human rights development?
- What role of global and international actors played in fomenting or
  furthering the political dynamics of the Arab Spring?

The conference format will be a mixture of small panels with plenary
keynote sessions. We hope that small panels will facilitate
discussion and interchange among the participants, and the overall
conference format will contribute to an intimate and relaxed

The deadline for submissions is 1 December 2013. Notification of
acceptances will be sent by e-mail by 15 January 2014.

Paper submission details can be found here (please note that
proposals must relate to the theme of the conference to be
considered): http://www.isanet.org/Conferences/HRIstanbul2014.aspx


Dr Kurt Mills, Conference Chair 
School of Social and Political Sciences
University of Glasgow
Email: humanrightsandchangeprog...@gmail.com
Web: http://www.isanet.org/Conferences/HRIstanbul2014.aspx


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