
Job Announcement

Type: Professor of Africana Studies
Institution: Department of Africana Studies, Brown University
Location: Providence, RI (USA)
Date: from July 2014
Deadline: 18.10.2013


Open Rank (Full, Associate or Assistant) Professor of Africana Studies

The Africana Studies Department at Brown University invites
applications for a position in African and African Diaspora Thought
with a strong emphasis in the areas of Africana philosophy, critical
and cultural theory, or African and African Diaspora history. 


Candidates must hold a PhD in the Humanities or Social Sciences and
will be expected to teach both graduate and undergraduate courses as
well as conduct research in the above areas. Persons applying at the
full professorship/associate level must have a well-established
record of teaching and research. Those applying at the assistant
level must have their PhD by the time of the appointment (July 2014)
as well as demonstrable promise as a scholar and teacher. 

Application Instructions

Interested junior faculty must submit a letter of application, a
curriculum vitae, and a dissertation or book chapter. Interested
senior faculty must submit a letter of application, a curriculum
vitae and samples of published work (as one document).

All interested faculty must include a list of three (3) referees from
whom the Search Committee will solicit Confidential Letters of

All submissions must be uploaded into Interfolio at:
Complete applications received by October 18, 2013 will be given full

Job Requisition Number: FPA# 14-10


Department of Africana Studies
Brown University
Box 1904
155 Angell Street
Providence, RI 02912
Phone: +1 (401) 863-3137
Web: https://secure.interfolio.com/apply/21871


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