
Call for Papers

Theme: Spiritual Foundations and Chinese Culture
Subtitle: A Philosophical Approach
Type: International Conference
Institution: Council for Research in Values and Philosophy (RVP)
   Institute of Scholastic Philosophy, Fu Jen Catholic University
Location: Taipei (Taiwan)
Date: 13.–14.12.2013
Deadline: 15.9.2013


Taiwanese society shares its influence and inspiration from Chinese
culture as well as a number of other cultures. With increased
globalization, as cultures more rapidly and hastily encounter one
another and there is risk of disorder. To make these encounters more
fruitful, there is need to probe into both spiritual foundations of
Chinese culture which occupies a central role in the thinking of
Taiwanese society, and its relation to the spiritual foundations of
other cultures.

The institute of Scholastic Philosophy at the Fujen University has
long history in promoting dialogue and comparative philosophies
between East and West. In this context it seeks a path towards true
dialogue between scholastic philosophy and Chinese culture. The
conference will be held in the spirit of promoting true and open
philosophical dialogue between different cultures. 

Knowledge of the spiritual foundations of Chinese culture and their
relations to other spiritual foundations will help in the search for
a more promising society. This must be home to multiple cultures
without losing their proper foundations. Papers based on this
conference theme are invited in the following areas: 

1. The analysis of spiritual foundations of Chinese culture and its
   relation to other cultures
2. Comparative philosophical studies of Chinese and other cultures.
3. Theories and practices of dialogues between different cultures in
   such fields as literature, music, or the arts
4. How the East can receive Western thinking 


There is no registration fee; participants cover their travel. The
organizer will provide room and lunches and a banquet to those whose
papers are accepted. 


The deadline for submitting the abstract is September 15, 2013 and
the full paper November 15, 2013. All abstracts and papers should be
sent to Fu Li Yiing at: fj03...@mail.fju.edu.tw


Katia Lenehan, Director
Institute of Scholastic Philosophy
Fu Jen Catholic University
4F, Zong Zhuozhang Memorial Building (DG)
510, Zhongzheng Rd.
Xinzhuang Dist.
New Taipei City 24205
Email: kati...@hotmail.com


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