
Call for Papers

Theme: On Plurality and Minority
Type: 6th Al-Jami'ah Forum
Institution: Al-Jami'ah: Journal of Islamic Studies
   Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga
Location: Yogyakarta (Indonesia)
Date: 6.–8.12.2013
Deadline: 7.10.2013


Al-Jami'ah is pleased to announce the call for papers presented at
Al-Jami’ah Forum. The Forum aims at gathering scholars, researches,
and observers of Islam and Muslim society studies who devote their
studies on various current issues related to plurality and minority
focusing on current situation of the Muslim world to present their

All approaches and  perspectives – theological, or from those of
humanities and social sciences – are welcome.
Themes of the Forum as follows:

- History of Islam by which presenters can explain the extent to
  which the issues, and definition, of pluralism and minority have
  evolved and perhaps intertwine.
- States' policies and treatments of, and societal responses to,
  minority groups across countries, covering themes such as minority
  Muslims in non-Muslim communities, and of non-Muslims in Muslim
  communities, and other cases between different faiths.
- The fate of minority groups, including disabled people and other
  marginal groups in religious communities.
- Issues around local and global religions (various mystical sects:
  aliran kebatinan dan kepercayaan and ‘deviant’ sects in Indonesia),
  including all discussions of inter-religious relation between major
  world religions and local religious traditions.
- Theories and approaches to the study of plurality and minority,
  seen from philosophical, theological, and other approaches from
  humanity and social sciences.
- NGOs activities in defending the rights of minorities and marginal
- Religious establishment institutions and their responses to various
  new religious groups or sects.

Anyone interested in participating the conference, please send
abstract between 150 – 300 words no later than 7 October 2013 to the
email: edi...@aljamiah.org. Notification of the result of selection
will be announced through email and Al-Jami’ah's website at
http://aljamiah.org. Selected presenters should send their full paper
before 28 November 2013. The Forum will be held at UIN Sunan Kalijaga
Yogyakarta, Indonesia on 6-8 December 2013.

Promising papers, after the process of peer reviews, will be
published by al-Jami’ah: Journal of Islamic Studies in the next year

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