
Call for Papers

Theme: Intercultural Communication Between China And the Rest of the
Subtitle: Beyond (Reverse) Essentialism and Culturalism?
Type: International Conference
Institution: Education for Diversities Research Group and Confucius
Institute, University of Helsinki
Location: Helsinki (Finland)
Date: 5.–6.6.2014
Deadline: 15.1.2014


This interdisciplinary conference aims at analysing but also
counter-attacking essentialist and culturalist analyses of
intercultural communication between China and the rest of the world.
Papers on any of the following topics may be submitted. The approach
can be diachronic or synchronic and deal with any context of
intercultural communication involving the Chinese (study abroad,
online interaction, tourism, business, diplomacy, the media, etc.).
Researchers in the fields of (amongst others) sinology, education and
pedagogy, communication, sociology, linguistics, (social) psychology,
cultural studies but also economics and management are invited to
submit a proposal.

- Orientalism, Occidentalism and their reverse forms (imaginaries,
- Intercultural training/education
- Othering the Chinese; The Chinese othering ‘others’
- The use of culture as an alibi
- Explaining misunderstandings beyond culture as an excuse
- Analyzing ‘successful’ intercultural communication
- Beyond differentialist biases
- China’s intercultural communication beyond the ‘West’ (Africa,
  Asia, etc.)
- The use, misuse and abuse of Confucius to explain interculturality
- Non-verbality: alternative means of analysis
- Mélanges and mixing in Chinese ‘culture’
- Power relations and intercultural communication
- Identity ‘games’
- Responsibility of researchers, practitioners in othering the Chinese

Proposal Submission

We invite submission of proposals by 15th January 2014. Abstracts
should be submitted through Easyabstracts:

Paper and colloquia proposals are invited.

Individual paper proposals:
100-150 words; duration: 30 minutes including a twenty-minute
presentation, with an additional ten minutes for discussion

Colloquia proposals:
200 words for the colloquium concept and 100-150 words on each paper,
duration: 3 hours, max. 5 participants – conveners and discussant

Abstracts will be reviewed by the scientific committee for
originality, significance, clarity and academic rigour.

Decisions about the submitted proposals: 1st February 2014

Questions should be directed to: intervsmu...@gmail.com

Plenary Speakers

Anne Cheng, Professor at the Collège de France in Paris (Intellectual
History of China)

Adrian Holliday, Professor of Applied Linguistics at Canterbury
Christ Church University (UK) in the Department of English & Language

Prue Holmes, Senior Lecturer, School of Education, University of
Durham (UK)

Conference Chairs

Professor Fred Dervin
Department of Teacher Education, University of Helsinki

Dr Anja Lahtinen
Director of the Confucius Institute, University of Helsinki


Prof. Fred Dervin & Dr Anja Lahtinen
University of Helsinki
Email: intervsmu...@gmail.com
Web: http://blogs.helsinki.fi/iccrw2014/


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