
Conference Announcement

Theme: Authority in a Transnational Age
Type: A Modern Law Review Seminar
Institution: Centre for Law and Society in a Global Context, Queen
Mary University of London
Location: London (United Kingdom)
Date: 8.–9.11.2013


Contemporary jurisprudence – and legal scholarship and legal
education more generally – is currently under serious challenge from
the emergence of arguably new legal phenomena at the non-state or
transnational level. This challenge is both substantive and
methodological. Substantively, legal scholars are being confronted
with, and asked to explain, phenomena which cannot easily be
explained by theories which put the sovereign state at the centre.
Such phenomena include internet regulation and the new lex
mercatoria. New jurisprudential problems are also raised by the
growth of transnational communities, which bring with them a variety
of different legal traditions and understandings. Methodologically,
in this context, traditional conceptual analysis is arguably ever
more in need of being informed by empirical analysis – for the old
concepts, and their universalistic tendencies, are being criticised
as inadequate.

One concept that calls for revision in the transnational context is
authority. Considering how that concept, juristically and
normatively, is being challenged by the transnational context is the
focus of the seminar. Questions are being raised as to whether
authority is better conceived of as capable of being shared, or held
in degrees, or continuously negotiated amongst a group of communities
or institutions. Questions are also raised about what kind of
authority exists at the transnational level, and what it should be
called – is it ‘legal’ or ‘regulalatory’? Further, it is being hotly
debated whether authority so re-conceived is normatively desirable.

A number of scholars have argued that the reality at the transnational
level is that communities or institutions have (legal or regulatory)
authority in degrees; moreover, their sharing it, or negotiating it,
with other communities or institutions, is perhaps a condition of
their having it at all. This qualification of (legal or regulatory)
authority in the transnational context, which we may call, following
Roger Cotterrell, ‘relative authority’, demands serious analysis. In
particular, it is imperative that jurisprudes and legal scholars
consider how to assess the quality of relations between normative
communities and institutions of relative authority: does such quality
require, for instance, certain unfamiliar techniques of legal
reasoning? Should the design of institutions change given the
emphasis on communication and interaction between them? What are the
limits that can be placed – and who could place them – on the claims
to authority made by normative communities?

It is the aim of this seminar to engage in such questions, focusing on
juristic and normative issues surrounding the concept of authority in
the transnational context, but drawing on multiple methods and
perspectives. In doing so, the seminar hopes to usher in a
jurisprudence for the transnational age. More precisely, the
sub-themes for the seminar will include:

1. the state and its authority, thereby providing a comparison or
   contrast with the transnational context;
2. the concept of authority from the perspective of pluralism, and
   its descriptive and normative credentials;
3. the discourse of constitutionalism and its relationship with the
   concept of authority;
4. sociological and anthropological perspectives on transnational
5. historical and comparative perspectives on authority in
   transnationalism; and
6. examining the privatisation of authority, especially in the
   context of relations between regulatory institutions and private
   organisations and corporations.

Arts Two Lecture Theatre, Queen Mary University of London, Mile End
Road, London E1 4NS 


Friday 8 November 2013

Registration / Coffee and Tea

Welcome and Introduction:
Dr Maks Del Mar, Professor Valsamis Mitsilegas   

Session I: The State and its Authority
Chair: Professor John Linarelli, Swansea University
- Professor Leslie Green, University of Oxford
- Professor Michel Troper, University of Paris X


Session II: Constitutionalism and Authority
Chair: Professor Andrew Halpin, National University of Singapore
- Professor Mattias Kumm, Social Science Research Center, Berlin and
  Humboldt University
- Professor Neil Walker, University of Edinburgh

Afternoon tea

Session III: Authority from the Perspective of Pluralism
Chair: Professor Sionaidh Douglas-Scott, University of Oxford
- Professor Nico Krisch, Hertie School of Governance, Berlin
- Professor Paul Schiff Berman, George Washington University Law

Wine Reception
- Official Announcement of the Winner of the 2013 Transnational
  Authority Essay Competition
- Book Launch of Dr Nicole Roughan, Authorities: Conflicts,
  Co-operation and Transnational Legal Theory, Oxford University
  Press, 2013 – Introduction by Professor Michael Giudice, York
  University, Canada

Official dinner

Saturday 9 November 2013

Coffee and Tea

Session IV: Anthropological and Sociological Perspectives on
Transnational Authority
Chair: Professor David Nelken, University of Macerata, Italy and
King's College, London
- Professor Sally Falk Moore, Harvard University
- Professor Roger Cotterrell, Queen Mary University of London


Session V: Historical and Comparative Perspectives on Transnational
Chair: Professor Malgosia Fitzmaurice, Queen Mary University of London
- Professor Patrick Glenn, McGill University
- Professor Werner Menski, School of Oriental and African Studies,
  University of London

Afternoon tea

Session VI: The Privatisation of Authority and the International
Chair: Professor Joanne Scott, University College London
- Professor Horatia Muir Watt, Sciences-Po, Paris
- Professor Gralf-Peter Calliess, University of Bremen

Thank you and Departure


Those interested in attending should book online via the Queen Mary

- Both days (catered): £120
- One day (catered): £65
- Student / pensioner / unwaged rate for both days (catered): £75
- Student / pensioner / unwaged rate for one day (catered): £40

Participants may also register for the optional conference dinner.
Details are available during registration on the Queen Mary e-shop


Dr Maks Del Mar
Department of Law
Queen Mary University of London
Mile End Road
London E1 4NS
United Kingdom
Email: m.del...@qmul.ac.uk
Web: http://www.law.qmul.ac.uk/events/items/93264.html


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