
Call for Papers

Theme: Migration, Media and Intercultural Dialogue
Type: Interdisciplinary Conference
Institution: United Nations University Institute on Globalization,
Culture and Mobility (UNU-GCM)
Location: Barcelona (Spain)
Date: 25.–26.11.2013
Deadline: 18.10.2013


While migration often poses the question of cultural difference,
diverse forms of media play a key role in enabling representation,
thus forging modes of communication. Through a focus on the role of
media, this conference will explore the extent to which the latter
bridges cultural differences in contexts of migration and facilitates
intercultural dialogue.

Keynote speakers:
- Iain Chambers, Professor of Cultural and Postcolonial Studies,
  Oriental University of Naples, Italy
- Kevin Robins, Professor of Sociology, City University, London, UK

Further abstracts are sought which focus on a range of issues, both
theoretical and empirical, which relate to: cultural diversity and
difference, how media can mobilize societies and cultures, and the
role of media in triggering migration, and connecting migrants to
their homelands. This is an interdisciplinary conference.
Contributions are welcomed from anthropologists, cultural theorists,
economists, linguists, political theorists, sociologists, and anyone
examining relevant questions.

Two events will follow the conference in which participants are
welcome to participate:
- Roundtable discussion with Immigrant Press Journalists in
  Barcelona, organized in collaboration with Casa Asia on November
  25th 2013
- Training workshop on PhD research methods organized in
  collaboration with CIDOB on November 27th 2013

The conference will take place at the offices of UNU-GCM, located at:
Sant Manuel Pavilion, Sant Pau Art Nouveau Site, c/ Sant Antoni Maria
Claret, 167, 08025- Barcelona, Spain.

Please note that there is no financial assistance available for
travel or accommodation.

Submission information
Abstracts for papers should be of maximum 500 words, and sent along
with a biographical note of maximum 150 words to:
Tendayi Bloom, bl...@unu.edu.

Abstracts for panels should be of maximum 500 words. Prospective
conveners should include a biographical note of maximum 150 words for
each convener and should provide a list of questions the panel will
address, with a short sentence about each panel member, where known.
This should be sent to: Valeria Bello, vbe...@unu.edu.

The deadline is 5pm CET Friday 18th October 2013 (response by 24th


Tendayi Bloom & Valeria Bello
United Nations University Institute on Globalization,
Culture and Mobility (UNU-GCM)
Sant Manuel Pavilion, Sant Pau Art Nouveau Site
C/ Sant Antoni Maria Claret, 167
E-08025 Barcelona
Email: bl...@unu.edu  or  vbe...@unu.edu


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