
Call for Papers

Theme: Critical Ecologies
Subtitle: Digital Habitats, Material Governance, and Global
Type: 2014 ASPECT Graduate Conference
Institution: Alliance for Social, Political, Ethical, and Cultural
Thought (ASPECT), Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Location: Blacksburg, VA (USA)
Date: 21.–22.3.2014
Deadline: 15.11.2013


In the aftermath the global financial crisis of 2007-09, questions of
digital habitation, material governance, and global inequalities have
gained new force and urgency. Inhabiting the digital ecology, once a
turn-of-the-millennium sensation and spectacle, has now become
commonplace – posing questions of material governance, as increased
government surveillance, issues surrounding intellectual property
rights, and a widespread lack of access to the means of inhabiting
the digital remind us of the politics of digitization among global
inequality. Material governance, the governance of matter, and the
materiality of governance, is deeply embedded in digitally mediated
global inequalities as global financial markets allow ungoverned
flows of capital to govern the material and social habitats of the
most vulnerable members of the global society, while ascendant
countries are forced to comply with a global architecture still
benefitting the powers that be. Global inequalities do not end there,
as the ontological governance of ecological boundaries continues to
deepen the existing inequalities between generations; between humans,
other-than-humans, and nonhumans; between bodies and
transcorporealities, flows and entities, the social and the natural,
the conceptual and the nonconceptual.

We invite graduate students to submit essays that engage a broad
variety of topics related to critical ecologies, ecological critique,
and ecologies of critique: digital habitats, material governance, and
global inequalities. Particularly, we invite papers that engage
issues in an interdisciplinary, challenging, and explorative fashion.
Likewise, we warmly welcome papers emphasizing practical issues as
well as nontraditional, marginalized, and non-heteronormative
perspectives relating to global and local inequalities, policies and
policing of material boundaries and digital habitats, questions of
access and recognition, challenge and subversion, nonconformity and
antihabitation. Graduate students of any level and disciplinary
affiliation are encouraged to submit abstracts. Papers presented at
the conference may be solicited for peer review and possible
publication in the Spring 2014 issue of Spectra, the ASPECT Journal.

Confirmed Keynote Speakers:

Timothy W. Luke - Virginia Tech
Sarah Sharma - UNC Chapel Hill
Antonio Vazquez-Arroyo - Rutgers Newark
Dylan Wittkower - Old Dominion University

Possible topics include:

- new materialism: vibrant matters and assemblages; ecological
boundaries, their policing, their challenges; biopower and biopolitics

- environmental governmentality, ecogovernmentality, sustainability &
politics of ecologies

- the political economy of bodies: genome patenting & clone
technologies; health apparatuses & technologies of self; insurance
economies, ageism and ableism; technology and the body: techno-social
assemblages; apparatuses of bodily production

- gendered digitalisms: the politics of gender in social media;
challenges to heteronormativity in digitally mediated spaces;
cyber-bullying; content blockages & censorship debates

- material governance of the virtual realm: space theory,
hyperreality, dromology, media theory; cybersecurity; digital
currencies & digital finance; “clicktivism” & digital social
movements; whistleblowing & whistleblower persecution

- the political economy of crisis: credit & debt economies;
international regulatory policies; subjectivities & ethnographies of
debt and credit

- international relations: waning sovereignty & security apparatuses;
financial governance & economic ascendancy; emerging markets, BRIC

- postsecularism and the resurgence of religions and fundamentalisms

- global inequalities: human rights; humanitarian interventions;
global affective networks & non-profit organizations; mediated
charity; gendered activism; human, subhuman, other-than-human or
nonhuman suffering

Please submit the following information to Ryan Artrip at
artrip_aspectconfere...@vt.edu no later than 5:00 pm on November 15,

1. Paper Title
2. Names, affiliations, and contact information for each author –
   please include an email address and contact phone number along with
   your home institution, the degree you are pursuing and your area(s)
   of study.
3. Abstracts should be approximately 300 words.
4. Paper Themes/Topics - select up to three topics or themes from the
   above list that best describe your paper.
5. A recent curriculum vitae (CV) for each author

Note: full drafts of conference papers must be submitted to the
conference organizers no later than 5:00 pm on Friday, March 7, 2014.
Conference organizers will circulate final papers to respondents.


Ryan Artrip
Alliance for Social, Political, Ethical, and Cultural Thought
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
202 Major Williams (0192)
Blacksburg, VA 24061
Email: artrip_aspectconfere...@vt.edu
Web: http://www.aspect.vt.edu


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