
Call for Publications

Theme: The Global South and/in the Global North
Subtitle: Interdisciplinary Investigations
Publication: The Global South
Date: Special Issue
Deadline: 15.1.2014


This special issue of "The Global South" encourages striated readings
of place that challenge nation-based models of the Global North
(First World) and the Global South (Third World) by suggesting that
one may exist within the other. The political clout of a nation, its
fiscal soundness or disrepair, its general attitude toward the value
of education and the accessibility of health care, obviously do not
consistently characterize the experiences of all of its residents,
and this issue explores that gap. We especially encourage essays that
focus on the blurring of political demarcations of space, or essays
that transgress disciplinary lines. Interdisciplinary and co-authored
studies are thus particularly welcome.

Questions guiding the issue’s theme include but are not limited to

- Where do we find evidence of the Global South within the Global
North, particularly within countries resolutely classified as First
World? Might we find the Global North similarly pocketed into the
Global South?

- What might be gained by revamping traditional nation-based
classifications of how power is allotted? What are the pragmatic
advantages and pitfalls to reading place in a new more granular way?

- What case studies most clearly illustrate the complications in
traditional Global South/Global North hierarchies?

- What might be revealed by situating seemingly disparate locations
along a spectrum that accounts for the distribution of power as
fundamentally connected to the characteristics of space?

- How is interdisciplinary study particularly well-suited to grapple
with the exigencies of place-based study? What disciplines converge
most productively via the study of both real and imagined places?

Guest co-editors:
Kirsten Dellinger, Associate Professor of Sociology, University of
Jeff Jackson, Associate Professor of Sociology, University of
Katie McKee, Associate Professor of Southern Studies and English,
University of Mississippi
Annette Trefzer, Associate Professor of English, University of

Please submit 500 word proposals by January 15, 2014 and completed
papers by May 15, 2014 to Annette Trefzer (atref...@olemiss.edu) and
Jeffrey Jackson (jacks...@olemiss.edu). For inquiries, please contact
Annette Trefzer.


Annette Trefzer
Department of English
University of Mississippi
W211 Bondurant Hall
University, MS 38677
Email: atref...@olemiss.edu


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