
Call for Applications

Theme: Local, National and Transnational Modes of Belonging in
Indonesia and Beyond
Type: Joint Australian-German Summer School
Institution: Australian-German Academic Exchange Program
   Australian National University
   Goethe-University Frankfurt
Location: Kleinwalsertal (Austria)
Date: 20.–26.7.2014
Deadline: 25.1.2014


Summer School on Local, National and Transnational Modes of Belonging
in Indonesia and Beyond
A joint Australian-German Project

Prof. Kathryn Robinson (The Australian National University), Prof.
Karl-Heinz Kohl (Goethe-University Frankfurt), Prof. Susanne
Schroeter (Goethe-University Frankfurt), Dr. Birgit Braeuchler
(Goethe-University Frankfurt), Dr. Kristina Grossmann (University of
Passau), Dr. Ross Tapsell (The Australian National University)

Presentations with group-based and individual feedback, discussion of
participants' work-in-progress and future ideas, text work –
complemented by various activities to explore the beautiful

PhD candidates and Early Career Researchers (Postdocs)

Submission Deadline:
25 January 2014

Notification: by 3 February 2014

Costs per participant:
appr. EUR 300 (or AUS$ 420), including  accommodation (6 nights),
transport (Frankfurt, Germany, to Kleinwalsertal) and meals

Course description:
What does national belonging mean in the 21st century? How does it
intersect with other forms of identification, couched in, for
example, local, universal or global terms. The last few decades in
Indonesa have semingly tested national belonging. The conflicts that
accompanied the fall of Suharto led to fears of national
disintegration; the 'Big Bang' decentralisation has fostered
localised power bases and 'nativist' claims. However, the economy is
booming and the move to electoral democracy following thirty years of
authoritarian rule hailed a success by political allies and
commentators alike. How do we understand expressions of sub-national
difference that continue to flare up, which include local identity
(including claims of indigeneity) and rights claims; demands by
religiously motivated groups to redefine the terms of the nation; and
protests by groups (including women) that feel left out by dominant
forms of ideology and public policy. The current period has thus also
been marked by new fundamentalisms – religious and cultural –
including resurgence of claims by 'traditional' elites of their right
to rule, anti-migrant 'nativist' discourse or the introduction of
local laws purportedly based on sharia. Such claims pose challenges
to state/national ideologies, and the very idea of the nation. They
are potentially inflammatory as they do not acknowledge the historic
heterogeneity of local populations in Indonesia and can lead to the
emergence of conflict between, for example: locals and migrants;
Muslim 'traditionalists' and purification movements drawing on global
discourses; promoters of local culture versus sympathizers of
western-derived notions of democracy.

Such dynamics are not unique to Indonesia and some (religious 
fundamantalisms; assertion of rights in terms of indigeneity; demands 
for gender equity) invoke international or indeed universal
ideologies and principles. The Summerschool will assess current
'modes of belonging' by taking differing vantage points, including
the peripheries, and from below. We would encourage contributions to
be based on theoretical reflections in areas such as concepts of 
citizenship; national identity and community formation; transnational 
social movements; and forms of representation and communication; 
analysed through field research.

Particular foci or themes could be:
- 'revival of tradition'
- internal and transnational migration
- religious radicalization
- interlinkage between different normative orders (state, customary,
  religious, etc.)
- local, national, transnational identities (including media
- changing resource use and access
- gender relations

Please send a short letter outlining your reasons for wishing to
attend, your paper title and abstract (maximum 250 words), along with
your institutional affiliation and a short bio sketch (maximum 150
words), to Birgit Braeuchler (birgitbraeuch...@gmx.net) and
Kristina Grossmann (rossar...@gmx.net) by 25 January 2014.

The initiative takes place in the framework of a newly established 
Australian-German exchange program funded by the DAAD (GU-Go8).


Birgit Braeuchler
Email: birgitbraeuch...@gmx.net

Kristina Grossmann
Email: rossar...@gmx.net


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