
Call for Papers

Theme: Shifting Identities, Changing Relations
Subtitle: Ethnicity, Culture and Society in an Emerging Africa
Type: 1st Central European African Studies Conference (CEASC)
Institution: Central European African Studies Network (CEASN)
   Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, University of West Bohemia
Location: Pilsen (Czech Republic)
Date: 14.–16.5.2014
Deadline: 20.2.2014


Central European African Studies Network (CEASN) is proud to announce
the 1st Central European African Studies Conference (CEASC) which is
going to take place at the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen,
Czech Republic.

Ethnicity, Culture and Society seem to be very much debated issues in
contemporary African Studies and have a great impact on politics,
international relations, socio-economic issues and internal dynamics
of African countries. Since the pre-colonial through colonial times
up to nowadays we have seen enormous changes in African societies
that have far-reaching impact on all aspects of daily lives of
individuals and societies in Africa. Modern and contemporary history
of Africa has witnessed dynamic processes of continuous changes that
stand in sharp contrast to public image of Africa as static continent
lacking any kind of development.

The 1st CEASC welcomes papers from a wide range of disciplines
including anthropology, history, political science and international
relations, linguistic anthropology, philosophy, ethnography,
development studies and sociology.

The Organizers encourage Ph.D. students, scholars and academics from
all institutions of higher education and research to send abstracts
to africa.pil...@gmail.com until February 20th, 2014. On March 1st,
2014, accepted abstracts will be published on conference websites. In
December 2014, a collective monograph composed of selected papers
will be published. See more at www.africa-pilsen.com or www.ceasn.eu.

Conference fee is 20 EUR (500 CZK) for non-members of CEASN, 10 EUR
(250 CZK) for members of CEASN, and 5 EUR (125 CZK) for Ph.D.
students and it has to be paid at registration the first day of the

Keynote speakers:
Prof. Toyin Falola (University of Austin)
Prof. Jon Abbink (African Studies Centre, Leiden)

Organizing committee:
Linda Piknerová (Pilsen), Kateřina Rudincová (Pilsen), Judit Bagi
(Pécs), Kateřina Werkman (Prague), Joanna Mormul (Krakow), Istvan
Tarrosy (Pécs), Maciej Kurcz (Ciesyn), Robert Kłosowicz (Krakow),
Monika Baumanová, Jan Záhořík (Pilsen)

Scientific committee:
Mamadou Diouf (Columbia University), Marja Tiilikainen (Helsinki),
Baz Lecocq (Gent), Itziar Ruiz-Gimenez (Madrid), Geert Castryck
(Leipzig), Ahmed Hassen (Addis Ababa)

The 1st CEASC is taking place at the University of West Bohemia in
Pilsen under the auspices of doc. PhDr. Pavel Vařeka, Ph.D. (Dean of
the Faculty of Philosophy and Arts).


Jan Zahorik
Centre of African Studies
Department of History
Faculty of Arts and Philosophy
University of West Bohemia
Sedláčkova 15
30125 Pilsen
Czech Republic
Phone: +420 608 361 605
Email: africa.pil...@gmail.com
Web: http://africa-pilsen.com


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