
Call for Papers

Theme: The Philosophical and Political Dimensions of NAFTA
Subtitle: Examining 20 Years of Free Trade
Type: International Colloquium
Institution: Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa (UAM-I)
   Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez (UACJ)
   University of North Texas (UNT)
   Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO)
   Center for Science, Technology, Ethics and Policy (CSTEP),
University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP)
Location: Mexico City (Mexico)
Date: 26.–27.4.2014
Deadline: 1.2.2014


The signing of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) on
January 1, 1994 marked the beginning of an economic, political, and
social transformation in Mexico, and to lesser degrees in the United
States and Canada. Now that twenty years have passed, we can examine
the achievements and failures of the treaty.

This conference brings together multiple perspectives to advance an
interdisciplinary understanding of the political, social, economic
impacts of NAFTA on the signatory countries.


- Regional integration
- Rights of Indigenous people
- Environmental impacts, biodiversity and land ethics
- Justice and Labor
- Identity
- Violence and human rights
- Social and economic balance
- Social movements and protest
- Education
- Media
- Immigration policy
- Quality of democracy

This list is only suggestive; other topics are welcome and
encouraged. Presentations can be in Spanish, English or French
(translation services will be provided between English and Spanish).


The deadline for abstracts is February 1, 2014.  Send abstracts of
200 words, prepared for blind review, to the following address:

Please include a separate document that includes the title of the
paper, author's name, affiliation, and abridged curriculum vitae.

Accepted participants will be notified no later than February 28,

The deadline to RSVP is March 31, 2014, via email.


Registration fee: $50 USD general registration; $200 MXN for Mexican
national students (paid on site).


Presentations are 20 minutes. Presenters have the option of their
work being  published online prior to the conference. If a presenter
would like to have their work available online, please send the
final text before April 15, 2014 in an electronic format (Word).

A refereed selection of papers will be published in an edited book.
Participants should send extended and revised versions of their
papers on or before July 15, 2014. These versions should be between
20 and 25 pages in length, and must follow APA guidelines.


For more information, please send emails to Shane Epting at:

Website of the Colloquium:


InterPhil List Administration:

Intercultural Philosophy Calendar:



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