
Call for Papers

Theme: Space, Culture, and Religion
Subtitle: Considering Implications of the 'Spatial Turn'
Type: Oslo International Graduate Students Conference
Institution: Department of Culture Studies and Oriental Languages,
University of Oslo
Location: Oslo (Norway)
Date: 19.–21.5.2014
Deadline: 20.12.2013


In recent years, the humanities and social sciences have seen a
renewed interest in spatiality. Scholars have increasingly considered
ways in which texts, history and cultural practices are physically
embodied – and, hence, spatially embedded. Notions of ‘space’,
‘place’ and ‘landscape’ are no longer the exclusive domain of
geographers, but have been appropriated by social anthropologists,
scholars of religion, historians and literary scholars. Following a
number of other ‘turns’ in the humanities, this development has been
called ‘the spatial turn’ (e.g., Warf & Arias 2009). Scholars are
studying aspects of space from a variety of disciplinary
perspectives, drawing on theories not only from geography but also
from philosophy and sociology. Thinkers whose work has been
rediscovered, or reinterpreted from a spatial perspective, include
Mikhail Bakhtin (‘chronotope’), Pierre Bourdieu (‘social space’),
Michel de Certeau (‘spatial stories’), Michel Foucault
(‘heterotopia’) and Henri Lefebvre (‘the production of space’).

In this conference, we would like to examine implications of the
‘spatial turn’ for the humanities. In particular, we look at the
possible impact of new considerations of space on the disciplines
represented at our institute: Asian studies, Middle Eastern studies,
cultural studies, and the study of religion(s). We welcome papers on
a variety of topics, as long as they relate to our central topic. We
particularly would like to invite (post)graduate students and young
(postdoc) researchers to present papers on the spatial aspects of
their own research.

The conference will be divided into the following four subtopics.
Participants are requested to relate their presentation to one of
these four topics.

- Politics of space

How is power embedded in space? How do urban planning, architecture,
landscape (re)construction and other spatial practices reflect power
configurations? How, on the other hand, are spatial practices
employed to challenge and subvert existing power structures?
According to Henri Lefebvre, modern space is a product, constructed
by powerful (state) actors to serve their interests. Yet, as Michel
de Certeau has argued, there is always space for negotiation and
appropriation, however limited. To what extent are their ideas
applicable to contemporary spatial practices and landscape
construction, not only in ‘the West’, but also in rapidly changing
regions such as China, India and Southeast Asia? And how are power
structures played out in such physical demarcations as borders, as
well as in monuments and modern cityscapes?

- Imaginations of space

According to Bourdieu and Lefebvre, space is not only a physical, but
also a social and mental category. What are the consequences of a
spatial approach to our understanding of texts, historical
narratives, and cultural artefacts? How are spaces imagined, and how
are they classified? What, for instance, is the contemporary
theoretical significance of spatial concepts such as ‘local’,
‘(trans)national’, ‘global’ and ‘glocal’? How should we conceive of
cyberspace, as it challenges traditional notions of space, and of
utopian imaginations of space? And what is today’s relevance of that
classical category in the study of religion, ‘sacred space’ – can we
maintain the analytical validity of this category, while abandoning
the phenomenological axiom that sacredness is an intrinsic,
transhistorical quality of certain places?

- History of space

A renewed interest in space does not mean we should prioritise
synchronic analyses to diachronic ones. Rather, the question is how
spatial and temporal approaches can be integrated. How is history
embedded in space? For instance, how are traces of the past engraved
into landscapes, and how can we study them? How and why are
‘tradition’ and ‘heritage’ projected onto certain places, for
instance in the allocation of ‘world heritage’ status, but not to
others? As several scholars have pointed out, memory and collective
(e.g., national) identities are often dependent upon, and shape the
perception of, particular physical places and landscapes. To what
extent, then, is memory dependent upon (the conservation of)
particular places? And what is the relevance of space, and of
spatially embedded cultural practices, for identity construction and
differentiation (i.e., Othering)?

- Writing space, crafting space

In texts and material objects, spaces are conceived, constructed, and
represented in various ways. How does literature create its spaces?
How, in turn, does the physical place in which a text is produced
influence its shape and contents? Likewise, how is space conceived,
both materially and conceptually, in the visual arts? What is the
relationship between social and physical space in artistic
representation? Furthermore, it may be argued that ‘literature’ and
‘art’ are themselves also constructed as particular mental and social
spaces, with a centre, periphery and boundaries. How are these spaces
constructed? Finally, we would like to ask how space may be
represented in academic writing. How do we portray spatial practices?
How can we map historical change? And in what ways are our own
projects conditioned and restricted by the spaces in which we operate
– the ‘fieldwork location’, say, or ‘academia’?

Those who wish to participate in the conference and present a paper
are requested to submit an abstract (max. 500 words) before December
20, 2013. Please indicate which of the four subthemes your paper
relates to. Abstracts can be sent to Aike Rots:


Teresa Pepe
University of Oslo
Kulturstudier og orientalske språk
Postboks 1010 Blindern
0315 Oslo
Phone: +47-22841160
Email: teresa.p...@ikos.uio.no


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