
Call for Publications

Theme: Philosophies of Peace and War
Publication: Peace Review: A Journal of Social Justice
Date: Issue 26.4 (Winter 2015)
Deadline: 15.4.2014


Under the guest editorships of Professor W. John Morgan (UNESCO
Professor of the Political Economy and Education, School of
Education, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Nottingham,
Nottingham, UK) and Dr. Alex Guilherme (Director, Paulo Freire Center
for the Study of Critical Pedagogy, Liverpool Hope University,
Liverpool, UK), Peace Review: A Journal of Social Justice is
dedicating issue 26.4 to examining the philosophies of peace and war.

In 1795 France and Prussia signed the Peace of Basel, which
established French sovereignty over the West bank of the Rhine whilst
allowing Prussia to divide Poland up with Russia and Austria. In that
same year Immanuel Kant, one of the most influential Western
philosophers, wrote an essay titled, "Perpetual Peace: A
Philosophical Sketch." In this well-known, philosophical text Kant
prescribes a series of six principles and three fundamental articles
for a program leading to long-lasting peace among sovereign states.
The crux of these self-explanatory principles is that no sovereign
state, no matter how large or small, should neither come under the
dominion of another state by any means, nor should it be interfered
with, and national armies should be abolished completely. The
fundamental articles are concerned with the relations between
individuals, founded on republicanism; among nations, founded on a
federation of free states; and within humanity, founded on the virtue
of universal hospitality. Kant's motivation for writing this essay
was his indignation at the absurdity of foreign politics and its
pursuit of peace through inadequate and often deceptive means.

He was not the only philosopher, however, to reflect on the subject of
peace. Jeremy Bentham, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Richard Price, Fyodor
Dostoyevsky, Rosa Luxembourg, Nicholas Berdayev, Jane Addams, Maria
Montessori, Simone Weil, Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Buber, Hannah Arendt
and, more recently, Leonardo Boff and Noam Chomsky, to name just a
few, have also written on this subject. Others have written
philosophies of war and confrontation, such as Sun Tzu, Thomas
Hobbes, Carl Schmitt, Carl von Clausewitz, and Frantz Fanon.

We invite essays on philosophical approaches to peace and to war,
broadly conceived, or on a particular philosopher's understanding of
peace or of war. Interested writers should submit essays (2500-3500
words) and 1-2 line bios  by April 15th, 2014 to:

Essays should be jargon- and footnote-free, although we will run
Recommended Readings. Please refer to the Submission Guidelines:

We publish essays on ideas and research in peace studies, broadly
defined. Essays are relatively short (2500-3500 words), contain no
footnotes or exhaustive bibliography, and are intended for a wide
readership. The journal is most interested in the cultural and
political issues surrounding conflicts occurring between nations and

Please direct content-based questions or concerns to Special Editors:

Professor W. John Morgan
Email: john.mor...@nottingham.ac.uk

Dr. Alex Guilherme
Email: guil...@hope.ac.uk

Send essays to:

Robert Elias (Editor in Chief)
Erika Myszynski (Managing Editor)
Email: peacerev...@usfca.edu
Subject Line: Philosophies of Peace & War

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