
Conference Announcement

Theme: Speaking Ethically Across Borders
Subtitle: Interdisciplinary Approaches
Type: International Conference
Institution: Centre for Research in the Arts, Humanities and Social
Sciences (CRASSH) and Division of Social Anthropology, University of
Location: Cambridge (United Kingdom)
Date: 8.–10.1.2014



Recent years have seen a dramatic growth in the study of ethics among
social anthropologists. Much of this growth has been due to the
assimilation into anthropological thinking of virtue ethics building
on two streams of theoretical work: that of Foucault, and that of
virtue ethicists working in the Anglo-Saxon philosophical tradition.

Proponents of the virtue-ethics approach in anthropology argue that a
focus on self- cultivation as a process allows for sufficient
attention to be paid to self-conscious reflection. Reflection and the
freedom it entails, they argue, are essential aspects of ethical life
that traditional social scientific approaches to ethics--Durkheimian
approaches--simply ignore.

There appears to remain an area of ethical experience, however, that
neither approach can easily accommodate. Since virtue ethics sees
ethical judgment as the result of cultivation within a self-conscious
ethical tradition, it can no more account for ethical judgment
outside of or between traditions than the Durkheimian approach can.

Yet history is full of situations in which multiple, self-conscious
ethical traditions meet, and in which people try to judge each other,
persuade each other, or draw lessons from each other across the
borders that separate those traditions. These situations are what we
call ‘speaking ethically across borders’, and this is the phenomenon
that the conference, and the publication we hope to produce from it,
will aim to explore.

Contexts in which we might expect to find people ‘speaking ethically
across borders’ include:

- religious missions
- international law
- colonialism and anti-colonialism
- vernacularization of cosmopolitan cultures
- universalization of vernacular cultures
- the adaptation of ancient models to contemporary situations in

In these situations, are people limited to using values with which
they are already familiar to interpret and judge other values? Or can
they genuinely learn from alternative ethical systems? If so, on what
conditions does this process depend? Is the capacity for or
disposition towards a cosmopolitan attitude to ethics itself a
culturally specific norm or a virtue to be perfected, or is it a
necessary aspect of ethical thought?

Ethnographically speaking, how have people in fact used the
intellectual resources provided by one ethical tradition to judge
others? How have they sought to borrow from other traditions, or to
persuade followers of other traditions to adopt novel values and
practices? What meta-ethics have specific traditions proposed to
govern the relationship of members of the tradition to the mores of
other traditions?


Wednesday, 8 January


Welcome and introduction

Panel: Difference and similarity in ethical conversations
- Jonathan Mair (Cambridge): How to speak ethically across borders
- Perveez Mody (Cambridge): Ethical Discussions in the Debate on the
  Criminalisation of Forced Marriage in the UK
- Hallvard Lillehammer (Birkbeck): Uses and Abuses of Self Evidence
  in Ethics

Coffee break

- Michael Lambek (Toronto): The hermeneutics of ethical encounters

Thursday, 9 January

Panel: Conversations between local, national and global regimes of
- John Marenbon (Cambridge): Medieval Christianity and paganism,
  ancient and contemporary: moral and non-moral relativism
- Carlo Severi (EHESS): The Universalism of Diego Valades

Coffee break

Panel: Conversations between local, national and global regimes of
ethics (continued)
- Dinah Rajak (Sussex): Global Extraction and the Ethical Frontier
  of Development
- Harri Englund (Cambridge): Poetic Justice and the Proletariat that
  Never Was
- Jan Lorenz (Manchester): Moral obligations, moral upheavals and
  questions of belonging in a contemporary Polish Jewish Community


Panel: Disputes, persuasion, and compromise in religious discourse
- Michael Lempert (Michigan): Hexis, Nexus: Illiberal Buddhist Virtue
  in the Tibetan Diaspora Nicholas Evans (Cambridge)
- Naor Ben-Yehoyada (Cambridge/Harvard): Follow me, and I will make
  you fishers of men

Walk to St John's College

Public Lecture in St John’s College:
- Simon Coleman (Toronto): Borderlands: Ethics, Ethnography and
  ‘Repugnant’ Christianity     

18.45 - 19.15
Drinks reception

Conference Dinner

Friday, 10 January

Panel: Distinct traditions, common standards
- Joanna Cook (UCL): Furtive loving-kindness and the problem of
  Buddhism in Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy     

Coffee break

Panel: Distinct traditions, common standards (continued)
- Soumhya Venkatesan (Manchester): Finding causes and solution
  across religious divides
- Paolo Heywood (Cambridge): Are We Church? Moral dialogues between
  Catholic and LGBTQ activists in Italy

Concluding remarks


Register online via the following link:

Conference fee:
£60 (full), £30 (students) - includes lunch and tea/coffee

Conference Dinner at St John's College:
£42 (optional, places are limited)

Sunday 5 January 2014


Marie Lemaire, Conference Programme Manager
Centre for Research in the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
Alison Richard Building
West Road
Cambridge, CB3 9DT
United Kingdom
Email: conferen...@crassh.cam.ac.uk
Web: http://www.crassh.cam.ac.uk/events/25021


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