
Call for Papers

Theme: Ties and Knots
Subtitle: Bridges between Lands and Cultures
Type: International Conference
Institution: Institute of English Cultures and Literatures,
University of Silesia
   College of Arts and Sciences, Salem State University
Location: Ustroń (Poland)
Date: 18.–20.9.2014
Deadline: 15.3.2014


The conference has been conceptualized as a forum of
interdisciplinary academic debate which aims to investigate the
dialogic (perhaps dialectical as well) relationships between socially
dissimilar and topographically distant cultures. The metaphor of
“bridges” becomes a scholarly construct gesturing towards
globalization processes which – as the cultural understanding of the
term wishes to indicate – pave the way for the intensification of
cross- cultural and cross-ethic interactions taking place within
global socio-political systems whose scope goes well beyond the
well-entrenched boundaries of local traditions or regional political
structures chief among which is the national state.

The idea of bridges is also an invitation to theorize on the
processes of individual and collective identity formation with
respect to contemporary multicultural societies (Great Britain, the
USA, Canada). The processes, philologically speaking, are
necessitated by the willingness to understand and accept the
language/languages of the Other, to bridge the chasm of mutual
misunderstanding, distrust or suspicion. In this way, approaching the
Other cannot be conceived as a purely linguistic challenge. Its
cultural and moral (ethical) dimensions are also manifested by the
critical imperative to overcome cultural differences by means of
postulating a shared sphere of symbolic resources whose norms and
values may pave the way for the emergence of multilateral relations,
generalized trust expectations and communicative rationalities.

Additionally, the conference is an attempt to delineate a
methodological framework for discourses and theories that purport to
conceptualize cultural spaces which – as opposed to objective,
geographical areas – are characterized by the propensity to bind
topographical distances by means of symbolic ties which foster and
facilitate the familiarization of geographical places and subsume
them within the perimeter of shared discourses of culture. The
metaphor of knots, however, is also inviting a discussion of bonds
that are so tightly entangled (for better or for worse, and in
Darwinian discourse it defines his theory of evolution) as to become
problematic and, perhaps, unresolvable. Needless to say, the
conference becomes an opportunity to discuss the idea of space (but
also what transcends “space and time” as in metaphorical bridges)
which is conceived as a cultural construct in statu nascendi, a
distinct product of signifying practices, rather than an objective
dimension of human practice.

When approached from a different perspective, ties, knots and bridges
may function as metaphors illustrating methodological challenges and
opportunities associated with cross- disciplinary discourses,
projects or disciplines in the humanities, arts or social sciences.
The conference, consequently, aims to explore processes by which
supposedly dissimilar theories, concepts or notions are yoked by
scholarly ingenuity to create the discordia concors of contemporary
academic practices.

More specifically, the papers are expected to address possible
juxtapositions and intersections of the following in socio-cultural,
literary and other discourses:

- spatial and temporal dimensions of cultural practice;
- religious and ethical “ties and knots” between lands and cultures;
- inter-connections between historical/literary/cultural epochs;
- cross-cultural relations that are problematically entangled
  together (“cultural knots” or “Gordian knots” across cultures);
- discourses of cultural entanglement and cultural ensnarement, both
  on individual and social levels;
- cutting through cultural ties and attempts at disentangling
  relations in space, time and culture;
- theories of trust, social capital and intercultural competence;
- discourses of globalization, hybridization and cultural
- mediascapes: digital networks and virtual realties as distinct
  forms of cultural spaces;
- transport and communication: technology vs. humanities;
- spaces and places as phenomenological categories;
- the social construction of urban and rural spaces;
- aesthetic bridges (accolades) between various cultures (in music,
  poetry and visual arts);
- methodological problems connected with contemporary
  cross-disciplinary initiatives;
- critiques of relationships between disciplines, arts, genres and
- bridging the impossible: utopianism in sciences, political
  discourses and the
- history of ideas;
- new spaces to occupy; new ideological spectacles in the age of
  Facebook and digital media.

Plenary Speakers

- Prof. Steven James Joyce (Ohio State University)
- Prof. Nancy Schultz (Salem State University)

Abstract Submission

Abstracts of papers within the range of 200-250 words should be
submitted by e-mail to tiesandknotsconfere...@gmail.com by March
15th, 2014. The proposals should include the participant’s name,
academic title, affiliation, e-mail address as well as a short
biographical note (100 words, approx.). The notifications of
acceptance will be sent via e-mail by April 1st, 2014.
Conference proceedings will be published.

Conference Fee

The conference fee (165 USD; 500 PLN) covers the event organization
costs, conference materials, lunches and refreshments, and the cost
of subsequent publication of conference proceedings.

Queries regarding the conference can be sent to:

Conference website:


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Intercultural Philosophy Calendar:



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