
Call for Papers

Theme: Free Speech, Public Deliberation, and Global Affairs
Type: International Conference
Institution: Pluralism, Democracy, and Justice Research Group and
Department of Philosophy, University of Tromsø
Location: Tromsø (Norway)
Date: 17.–19.6.2014
Deadline: 15.3.2014


The aim of the conference is to provide a robust forum for exploring
contemporary problems of democratic deliberation and freedom of
speech on a local and global level. Special emphasis will be placed
on the interplay between democratic legitimacy and freedom of speech.

Possible topics include, but are not limited to:
- freedom of speech and democracy
- freedom of speech, plurality, and civility norms
- freedom of speech and human rights
- justifications for protecting and suppressing freedom of speech
- harmful speech and religion
- deliberative democracy, preferences, and interests
- deliberative capacity and participation
- deliberation and comprehensive secular and religious worldviews
- deliberative democracy and ideology
- pluralism, religion, and accepted public reasons
- challenges from agonist and convergence conceptions of democratic
- global governance, accountability, and deliberation
- global democracy and international relations
- global democratic polity and nation states

Please submit abstracts as email attachments to:
pdjconferen...@hsl.uit.no. Abstracts should be submitted as .pdf
files, and not exceed 500 words. Please put ‘Conference Abstract
Submission’ as the subject of your email and include your name,
departmental affiliation, email address, and the title of your paper
in the body of the email. Abstracts should be prepared for blind
review; please ensure that your abstract is free from identifying
personal details. Please note that participants who need visa and a
formal letter of invitation, should submit their abstract by 15
February 2014, in order to receive the notification of result by 1
March 2014.


Participants presenting papers at the conference can apply to have
some of the expenses for accommodation covered. Participants at the
conference will get hotel rooms at special rates at Quality Hotel
Saga located in the center of Tromsø. There is no conference fee, and
the conference dinner is free of charge to conference participants.
We can cover travel expenses only for a limited number of
participants. For further information and updates about the
conference, please visit our website:

For questions, please contact: Erik Christensen, e-mail:
erik.christen...@uit.no, or Tomasz Jarymowicz, e-mail:
tomasz.jarymow...@uit.no. Please note that abstracts should be
submitted to: pdjconferen...@hsl.uit.no.

The conference is organized by the Pluralism, Democracy, and Justice
Research Group, and the Department of Philosophy at UiT The Arctic
University of Norway, supported by the Research Council of Norway.

Keynote Speakers:
Andreas Føllesdal (University of Oslo)
Carol C. Gould (City University of New York)
David Held (Durham University)
Andrew March (Yale University)
Christian F. Rostbøll (University of Copenhagen)

Organizing Committee:
Ph.D. Candidate Tomasz Jarymowicz
Dr. Øyvind Stokke
Dr. Erik Christensen

Conference website:


InterPhil List Administration:

Intercultural Philosophy Calendar:



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