
Call for Publications

Theme: The Ethics of Cyber Conflicts
Publication: Philosophy and Technology
Date: Special Issue (2015)
Deadline: 1.4.2014



Ludovica Glorioso
(NATO Cooperative Cyber Defense Centre of Excellence)


In the age of the so-called information revolution, the ability to
control, disrupt or manipulate the enemy’s information infrastructure
has become as decisive as weapon superiority with respect to
determining the outcome of conflicts. So much so that the Pentagon
defines cyberspace as a new domain in which war is waged, alongside
land, sea, air and space. Cyber conflicts, as part of a state’s
defensive or offensive strategy, are a fast growing phenomenon, which
is rapidly changing the dynamics of combat as well as the role that
warfare plays in political negotiations and the life of civil
societies. Such changes are not the exclusive concern of the
military. They also have a significant bearing on ethicists and
policymakers, since existing ethical theories of war, together with
national and international regulations, struggle to address the
novelties of this phenomenon. The issue could not be more pressing
and there is a much felt and fast escalating need to share
information and coordinate ethical theorising about cyber conflicts.
This special issue of Springer’s Philosophy & Technology
(http://www.springer.com/13347) follows the organization of the
international workshop on Ethics of Cyber Conflict
(http://www.ccdcoe.org/428.html), held on November 21-22, 2013 at the
Centro Alti Studi per la Difesa (CASD) with the support of the NATO
Cooperative Cyber Defense Centre of Excellence.


We solicit the submission of papers that investigate issues
concerning the way ICTs are affecting our ethical views of conflicts
and warfare, as well as the analysis of just-war principles in the
light of the dissemination of cyber conflicts; humanitarian military
interventions based on ICTs; whether preventive acts of cyber war may
satisfy jus-ad-bellum criteria; challenges of upholding jus-in-bello
standards in cyber warfare, especially in asymmetric conflicts;
attribution and proportionality of the response to cyber attacks;
moral permissibility of automated responses and ethical deployment of
military robotic weapons.


April 1, 2014: Deadline papers submissions
May 1, 2014: Deadline reviews papers
June 1, 2014: Deadline revised papers
2015: Publication of the special issue


To submit a paper for this special issue, authors should go to the
journal’s Editorial Manager http://www.editorialmanager.com/phte/ The
author (or a corresponding author for each submission in case of co-
authored papers) must register into EM. The author must then select
the special article type: "Special issue on The Ethics of Cyber
Conflicts” from the selection provided in the submission process.
This is needed in order to assign the submissions to the Guest
Editors. Submissions will then be assessed according to the following
procedure: New Submission => Journal Editorial Office => Guest
Editor(s) => Reviewers => Reviewers’ Recommendations => Guest
Editor(s)’ Recommendation => Editor-in-Chief’s Final Decision =>
Author Notification of the Decision. The process will be reiterated
in case of requests for revisions.

For any further information please contact:
Ludovica Glorioso, ludovica.glori...@ccdcoe.org


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