
Conference Announcement

Theme: The Strains of Commitment
Subtitle: The Political Sources of Solidarity in Diverse Societies
Type: International Workshop
Institution: Responding to Complex Diversity in Europe and Canada
Network (RECODE)
   European University Institute (EUI)
Location: Fiesole (Italy)
Date: 20.–21.2.2014


This project analyzes the political sources of solidarity in
ethnically and religiously diverse societies, paying particular
attention to two factors: conceptions of political community, and
state policies related to diversity and integration. These issues
have been the subject of a lively debate among normative political
theorists, but few empirical analysts have engaged with their ideas.
This project brings these two groups together to analyze the
political underpinning of solidarity in diverse societies.

Keith Banting & Will Kymlicka (Queens University, Canada)
Anna Triandafyllidou (EUI, Italy)


Thursday, 20 February 2014

- Keith Banting / Will Kymlicka, “The Strains of Commitment”

The Political Theory of Solidarity
- Bonnie Honig, “Demos, shared objects of political life, and
- Jacob Levy, “Against fraternity: Democracy without solidarity”
- David Miller, “Solidarity and its sources”

The Politics of Diversity and Solidarity
- Peter Hall, “The Politics of Diversity in Historical Context”
- Rainer Bauböck, “National Identity and European Solidarity”
- Bo Rothstein, “Diversity, the Quality of Governance and Solidarity”

Friday, 21 February 2014

Public Attitudes on Diversity and Solidarity
- Wim van Oorschot /Tom Reeskens, “Popular opinions on the
  citizenship rights of newcomers in Europe”
- Marc Helbling / Celine Teney, “Elite versus public attitudes to
  diversity and solidarity in Germany”
- R. Johnston/ S. Soroka / J. Citrin / M. Wright, “Diversity and
  solidarity: new evidence from Canada and the US”

The Politics of Diversity and Solidarity: country cases
- Karen Borevi, “Diversity and Solidarity in Sweden and Denmark”
- Edward Koning, “Identity, Solidarity, Nation-building: the Year
  2002 in Dutch Politics”
- Patrick Loobuyck / David Sinardet, “Belgium: Solidarity within and
  across communities”

Concluding Commentaries
- Joakim Palme
- Philippe van Parijs

For more information, contact the organizers:

Keith Banting
Email: keith.bant...@queensu.ca

Will Kymlicka
Email: kymli...@queensu.ca

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