
Call for Papers

Theme: Uniting for Peace
Subtitle: Building Sustainable Peace Through Universal Values
Type: 25th IPRA General Conference
Institution: International Peace Research Association (IPRA)
   Sakarya University
Location: Istanbul (Turkey)
Date: 10.–14.8.2014
Deadline: 15.3.2014


During the Cold War, ideological confrontations and inter-state
conflicts were seen as most dangerous threats against peace and
security, and with the end of the Cold War, it was expected that
all these threats would disappear. Unfortunately, however, the end
of the Cold War witnessed the emergence of new conflict patterns and
the world faced new global challenges, new security threats. Since
the end of the Cold War, the world has been going through a series of
interrelated intra-state conflicts rather than inter-state conflicts.
New generation threats for peace and security and conflicts appeared
immediately as intra-state conflicts with ethnic conflict in the
Balkans, political turmoil in Caucasus, Central Asia, Middle East and
recently with the emergence of protests and search for better
democracy and peace as in Northern Africa countries.

According to the 1994 UNDP human development report, the seven
dimensions of human security are economic security, food security,
health security, environmental security, personal security,
community security and political security. However, with the
emergence of new security threats and new generation conflict
patterns across the globe, human rights, human security, humanitarian
intervention, democracy, prosperity and peace building initiative
have become new values and policies both for states and international
organizations. All these are post-Cold War concepts that are inter-
related and overlapping, and when they are undermined, sustainable
peace cannot be established.

As we observed from the beginning of history that conflict potential
and conflicts are inevitable and will be available forever, only the
conflict patterns can change. If so, we need to learn to which extent
intra-state conflicts can be managed properly and to which extent
conflict escalation across national frontiers, and also their
escalation into violence, can be prevented. However, there are
mistakes as well as success stories as regards to how states and
International/regional organizations manage and / or prevent
inter-state and intra-state issues / conflicts.

It is in the context of further contributing to the scholarly debates
involving post Cold War political ideology, geopolitics,
international and regional cooperation in efforts to resolve or
prevent the growing intra-state and cross-border conflicts that IPRA
has decided to be the focus of the 25th IPRA General Conference to
be organized on the Occasion of the 50th Anniversary of IPRA and
hosted by the Sakarya University in Istanbul, TURKEY, between August
10-14, 2014. On the 50th Anniversary of IPRA, the venue of 25th IPRA
General Conference is significant and timely since Turkey is in the
middle of three continents and also currently surrounded by conflict
zones in Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Israel-Palestine etc. Also, Istanbul
is a link between Europe and Asia.

We welcome paper, poster and panel proposals from all peace
researchers related to the following IPRA Commissions. Interested
participants have the option of suggesting new panels or sessions.

IPRA Commissions

1.  Art and Peace Commission
2.  Conflict Resolution and Peace Building Commission
3.  Development and Peace Commission
4.  Eastern Europe Commission
5.  Ecology and Peace Commission(EPC)
6.  Forced Migration Commission
7.  Gender and Peace Commission
8.  Global Political Economy Commission
9.  Indigenous Peoples’ Rights Commission
10. Internal Conflicts Commission
11. International Human Rights Commission
12. Nonviolence Commission
13. Peace Culture and Communications Commission
14. Peace Education Commission
15. Peace History Commission
16. Peace Journalism Commission
17. Peace Movements Commission
18. Peace Negotiations and Mediation Commission
19. Peace Theories Commission
20. Reconciliation and Transitional Justice Commission
21. Religion and Peace Commission
22. Security and Disarmament Commission
23. Sport and Peace Commission
24. Youth and Peace Commission
25. Peace Tourism Commission

Deadline for Submission of Proposals: March 15th 2014

Keynote Speakers

- Nursultan Nazarbayev, Head of State, Kazakhstan (not confirmed yet)
- Johan Galtung, Professor of Peace Studies, Dr hc mult (confirmed)
- Nkosazana C. Dlamini Zuma, Secretary, African Union (confirmed)
- Lakhdor Brahimi, UN Envoy to Syria (not confirmed yet)

Conference Coordinators

Dr. Nesrin Kenar, Co-Secretary General – IPRA
Sakarya University, Turkey
Email: secretary-gene...@iprapeace.org

Dr. Ibrahim Seaga Shaw, Co-Secretary General – IPRA
Northumbria University, UK
Email: secretary-gene...@iprapeace.org

Conference Secretariat

Dr. Asena Boztas
Sakarya University, Turkey
Email: ipra2...@ipra2014.org 

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