
Call for Papers

Theme: Commentating as Philosophy and the Abrahamic Interpreters
Type: International Conference
Institution: Department of Philosophy, Fatih University
   Institute of Philosophy, University of Zagreb
Location: Istanbul (Turkey)
Date: 2.–5.7.2014
Deadline: 14.3.2014


“Commentating as Philosophy and the Abrahamic Interpreters” is a
conference second in a trilogy, entitled, “The Abrahamic Trilogy”.
The trilogy is about the development and reception of Greek
philosophy in the Abrahamic traditions. While the first conference
was about Proclus, and his influence, the present conference will
focus on the form of philosophy that was dominant until the early
modern period.

The Abrahamic religions have a set of revealed holy texts which are
intended to reveal the nature of God, creation, man’s place in it and
his true destiny. As such, believers or those entrusted to guide the
believers can or ought to have recourse to these texts to explain the
nature of things. The intellectual and moral life was framed in
interaction with a text. Parallel to this, one can view a similar
tendency with the philosophical movement known as middle Platonism:
here, philosophy was done by turning to the texts of Plato and
Aristotle and either making commentaries on them or employing their
texts liberally in independent treatises. These two threads meet
powerfully, for example, in the Jewish philosopher from Alexandria,
Philo. What is unique about Philo is how he used the philosophical
concepts and systems of Plato and, to a lesser extent, Aristotle, to
explain the Torah. Augustine claimed only to understand the Bible
after reading the works of the Platonists and whose Biblical
commentaries dominated the Latin west. Ibn-Sina also wrote many
commentaries on Aristotle and developed his own system in that
dialogue. Thus, for 1600 years, whether by a pagan or Abrahamic
philosopher, the dominant mode of philosophising was done by means of
writing commentaries. 

The conference will, thus, explore the development of the commentary
tradition within the ancient pagan world and the influence of that
Greek commentary among Jews, Christians and Muslims and will focus on
what it means to philosophise in a necessary interaction with a set
texts that marks it off from early modern philosophy.

Confirmed speakers:
Prof. Richard Sorabji, CBE, FBA, (Wolfson College, Oxford and
Emeritus, King's College, London) will give the key-note lecture.
Prof. Zev Harvey (Emeritus Prof. at Hebrew University and Columbia
University) will give the plenary lecture on Jewish account and Prof.
Thomas Leinkauf (Westfälischen Wilhelms Universität Münster) on the
Christian account and Asst. Prof. Olga Lizzini (Vrije Universiteit
Amsterdam) the Islamic account.

Please submit an abstract of approximately 500 words by March 14,
2014 to: https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=cpai14
[You must create an account there to upload your paper.] 

Notification of acceptances will be rolling. For further questions,
please contact David Butorac at davidbuto...@arxai.org and
Marie-Élise (Lise) Zovko at lisezo...@gmail.com.

Papers will be 20-25 minutes long, although there may be some
flexibility given some merit.

Please see the conference website:

The conference will take place at Sismanoglu Megaro (Greek Consulate)
and Halki Seminary, Halki Island / Heybeliada, Istanbul from July
2-5, 2014.


David Butorac
Department of Philosophy
Fatih University
34500 Istanbul
Email: davidbuto...@arxai.org
Web: http://arxai.org/conferences/abrahamictrilogy/node/2


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