
Call for Papers

Theme: Globalization, Critique, and Social Theory
Subtitle: Navigating the Divide between Theory and Practice
Type: 12th Annual Conference
Institution: International Social Theory Consortium (ISTC)
   University of Tennessee
Location: Knoxville, TN (USA)
Date: 15.–17.5.2014
Deadline: 15.3.2014


In recent years, under the impression and the burden of globalization
and neoliberalism, debates about the relationship between theory and
practice of progress – including especially the theory and practice
of social critique – have gone through an unexpected and momentous
revival, renewal and rejuvenation. This is due in large part to the
proliferation of manifest crises in the early years of the 21st
century. The terrorist attacks in September of 2001, the financial
crisis of 2008 that spawned the Great Recession, the Euro crisis that
began in fall 2010, the NSA revelations of 2013—these events provided
glimpses of the actually existing system of political economy, and
opportunities to begin to grasp and reveal the ongoing reconstruction
of business-labor-government strelations in the early 21 century.

Rather than inducing heightened efforts to identify and address the
underlying causes of these and other crises, the system of political
economy taking shape appears to employ economic crises to promote
public policies, via a philosophy of austerity, that perpetuate the
present state of affairs, rather than seizing upon opportunities to
attain and disseminate a better public understanding of present and
future challenges. In a throw-back to the 1970s’ pattern of “crisis
management”, the current condition is a combination of engrained
conceptions of the role of government and state institutions in
relation to business and the remnants of “labor”, and entirely novel
and unprecedented constructions of reality. Beyond material and
institutional crises, the imminence of numerous other crises has
begun to be acknowledged, including climate change, depletion of the
oceans and of natural resources (“peak oil”, etc.). Yet there is also
the deepening resistance to accepting science-based assessments of
the urgency of crises on the part of segments of the political
establishment and sizable populations in a growing number of
countries, and to consider that crises reflect negatively on our
conduct of life, while also providing a lens for examining the
multitude of costs that humanity’s ways of doing business inflict on
all creatures on our planet, and the planet itself.

The collapse of Eastern European socialism in the early 1990s seemed
to signal the waning relevance of social critique in light of real
events (the “end” of history). In addition, social theorists became
increasingly reluctant to relate critically and constructively to the
future of western societies, modern democracy, and human
civilization—along with related meta-narratives—for fear of being
seen as condoning or promoting forms and systems of power contrary to
their stated standards and normative positions, or of suggesting that
theory should be directed at reducing or eliminating power from
social life. Yet, in a variety of ways, the notions that theories and
practices of rigorous social critique in and of modern societies
could become “outdated”, or that they were based on a categorical
misunderstanding of the nature of social, economic, political and
cultural life in the modern world, were symptomatic of an ongoing
reconfiguration of the system of political economy itself.

On the one hand, social theorists rooted in and pursuing further
diverse critical traditions, such as neo-Marxism, feminism,
postmodernism, post-colonialism, and more recent approaches, have
drawn attention to the widening gap between prevailing constructions
of the character of modern societies — and their actual character. On
the other hand, social theorists in the social sciences/humanities
are not immune to subscribing and to promulgating constructions that
de facto help conceal the tensions between the explicitly stated,
shared, and continuously reaffirmed norms and values in whose absence
modern societies could not operate, and the real workings of the

The conference continues the tradition of ISTC conferences of
inviting and including the entire range of topics under the general
heading of social theory. In addition, as this year’s conference
theme is oriented towards facilitating exchanges between scholars
focused on the terrain of globalization and critique, the conference
will be centered on the two distinct yet closely related discourses.
One discourse will focus on theories dedicated to illuminating and
scrutinizing trends and conditions in the contemporary world, the
other will emphasize practices of applying and examining theories
with regard to practical efficacy. Thus, in the interest of taking
account of the relationship between theories and practices of
examining and critiquing “globalization”, discussions will include
efforts to address how people have and may continue to influence,
alter, and re-direct the trajectory of globalization with
single-state policy, multi-state action, social movement action,
novel of forms of protest, and the like — to spell out theoretically
informed perspectives on practices that promise to engender new ways
of relating to the new system of political economy in all of its
manifestations, with clear theoretical implications both grounded and

In the interest of revisiting the range of linkages between theory
and practice — analytically, critically, and politically — both
within and outside of modern western societies, the orienting theme
can be formulated as follows. Are there opportunities for
cross-fertilization between theoretical and practical critiques of
the modern condition as it developed in Europe and North America over
the course of the last two centuries, and critiques that have been
conceived and formulated in recent decades in societies that have
been drawn into the process of globalization? How does work in
literary and cultural studies contribute to these practical
critiques? Does it differ from work in the social sciences and the
humanities more broadly, including especially philosophy?

Harry F. Dahms (Sociology)
Jon Shefner (Sociology)
Allen R. Dunn (English)

The organizers welcome proposals on any topic in social theory, which
may take the form of any (not all!) of the following:
- abstracts (between 150-250 words),
- 5-page outlines,
- papers,
- proposals for panels.

List of possible session topics:

1.  Theorizing Modern Societies
2.  Theory and Practice of Social Critique
3.  Theorizing Globalization as Today’s System of Political Economy
4.  Indigenous Critiques of Globalization
5.  The Future of Critical Theory
6.  Public Policy and the Welfare State Today
7.  Combining Critiques: Feminism, Marxism, Postmodernism
8.  Civil Society: Real or Imagined?
9.  Critical Theories: Race, Class, Gender
10. The Global Financial Crisis and the Role of the State Today
11. Social Justice and Social Movements
12. Environmental Destruction and Social Theory
13. Utopia or Dystopia: Who Decides?
14. The Purpose and Place of Postmodernism
15. Individual and Society Today
16. Functions of Democratic Government Redefined
17. The Future of Democracy
18. Agency in the Age of Corporate Political Economy
19. Surveillance, Freedom, and Civil Rights
20. The Future of Critique
21. Literary Studies and Postcolonial Critique
22. Responsibilities of Philosophy and Ethics in the 21st Century
23. The Past and Future of the University

Submission Deadline:
March 15, 2014

Papers accepted for inclusion in the program will be considered for
publication in Current Perspectives in Social Theory (ed. Harry F.

For submission of proposals and inquiries, please contact Harry F.
Dahms: hda...@utk.edu

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