
Conference Announcement

Theme: Understanding and Misunderstanding
Type: Interdisciplinary Conference
Institution: Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation
   Center of Philosophy, University of Lisbon
Location: Lisbon (Portugal)
Date: 8.–10.5.2014


Welcome to the site of the final conference of the EuroUnderstanding
programme of the European Science Foundation.

The conference "Understanding and Misunderstanding" has four main
themes: concepts, communication, coordination and normativity. Five
keynote speakers join members and associate partners of the
EuroUnderstanding collaborative research projects to offer their
contribution to questions on the four themes:

- How do communicative processes give rise to shared understandings,
  and how do these processes vary between cultures?
- How do intercultural misunderstandings arise, and what are their
- How do cultural and historical processes, and cultural-cognitive
  models, impinge on individual cognition, cognitive development and
  the development of personal identity?
- How can intercultural communication be made more effective in
  diverse cultural contexts?

The conference will take place in Auditorium 3 of the Gulbenkian
Foundation, on 8, 9 and 10 May 2014.

Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation
Avenida Berna 45
P-1067-001 Lisbon

Keynote Speakers:
Chris Frith and Uta Frith, UCL
Simon Garrod, University of Glasgow
Ulrike Heuer, University of Leeds
Barbara Malt University of Lehigh

Local Organizing Committe:
Teresa Marques, Gonçalo Santos, José Manuel Mestre, Catarina Aguiar,
Filipa Seabra, Carla Simões.

Scientific Committee:
Åsa Wikforss (University of Stockholm), Josef Perner (University of
Salzburg), Günther Knoblich (Central European University), Teresa
Marques (University of Lisbon), Anne Guehl and Sarah Moore (ESF).

Conference website:


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Intercultural Philosophy Calendar:



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