
Call for Papers

Theme: Constitution Writing, Religion and Human Rights
Type: International Workshop
Institution: Center for Interdisciplinary Research (ZIF),
University of Bielefeld
Location: Bielefeld (Germany)
Date: 5.–7.6.2014
Deadline: 7.4.2014


What sorts of constitutional solutions could reconcile the protection
of human rights with the demand for incorporation of religious law in
contemporary democratizing or democratic states? In recent years,
tensions over religion-state relations have been gaining increasing
salience in processes of constitution- writing and amendment processes
around the world. In many of these cases, constitutional drafters
struggle to mitigate conflicts over religious law and religious
identity, which are issues intrinsically related to questions of human
rights, gender equality and protection of vulnerable minorities.
The workshop aims at advancing our understanding of how constitutional
drafters address these two goals - conflict mitigation and human
rights protection - and to what extent the relationship between them
are complementary or whether there is a trade-off between the two.
By drawing on comparative analyses of past and contemporary processes
of constitutional drafting where questions of religious law and
religious identity were at the center of debate, participants are
invited to discuss the following questions:

- What is the role of formal constitutions in managing conflicts over
religious law and identity, and to what extent is the relationship
between religion and state designed outside of formal constitutions,
in the realm of ordinary politics?

- How does constitutional ambiguity in provisions related to religious
issues reconcile the protection of human rights with demand of
religious freedom?

- In what way does the process of constitution-drafting affect the
outcome of constitutional provisions concerning religion-state
relations (e.g., through selection process for drafters, rules
governing inclusiveness and decision-making procedures)?

- In cases where constitutional debates involved competing secular and
religious perspectives, what types of human rights have eventually
been better protected by constitutional provisions?

We welcome papers that explore the questions raised above from either
comparative or theoretical perspective. Papers presented in the
workshop may either investigate historical cases of constitutional
debates on religious issues, discuss more recent, or on-going
constitutional drafting processes, or present a theoretical
discussion of these questions.

Travel funds and accommodation for three nights at Bielefeld will be
available for paper presenters.

This workshop is organized in conjunction with the ZiF Research Group
"Balancing Religious Accommodation and Human Rights in
Constitutional Frameworks." Please visit our website for more
information about the group's research, members, and events.

Please send an abstract of 400-500 words to Aaron Glasserman
(aaron.glasser...@gmail.com) no later than 7 April 2014.
Acceptance notifications will be sent by 20 April 2014.

Workshop organizers:
Asli Bali (UCLA) and Hanna Lerner (Tel Aviv University)


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