
Call for Papers

Theme: Extremist and Social Peace
Type: International Conference
Institution: Council for Research in Values and Philosophy (RVP)
   Paramadina University
Location: Jakarta (Indonesia)
Date: 11.–12.5.2014
Deadline: 28.4.2014


Extremism, in any forms, is a symptom of a growing catastrophe in the
present world. No matter which kind of extremism is – religious,
non-religious or anti-religious motive and its background, including
extreme arrogance – this contemporary social pathology is life
threatening. A devastated social order, a crisis of humanity, decline
of civilization, absence of peace are global existential threats we
face today from Jerusalem to Kandahar, from Aleppo to Kiev, from the
Pentagon to Riyadh. 

Ignorance and reluctance to acknowledge this fact makes our situation
worse. If Hannah Arendt says, “Violence is a result of failure in
human communication” then “The present malaise and catastrophe is a
result of failure in man’s knowledge”. Alexis Carrel, a Nobel Prize
Winner, says, “Modern man is a stranger in the world that he has
created. He has been incapable of organizing this world because he
did not possess a practical knowledge of his own nature”. 

This conference will provide a chance to talk about the world and
ourselves. It will raise deep questions in a broad framework to
uncover the underlying root causes of extremism as a
psycho-sociopathic phenomenon in the modern world. 

Questions on existing extremism will be examined under three
perspectives, namely, Critical Social Theory, Culture, and
Philosophy. The first perspective will employ root cause analysis on
extremism as a social phenomenon. The second will conceive extremism
as a product of a certain mentality. The third will endeavor to apply
philosophical reflection on extremism as a mode of human action. It
is expected that each analysis will generate fresh ideas and
understanding on this ruthless peril for humanity and civilization.
Those interested to contributing are welcome. 

On the basis of the above description, the conference theme has five

1. Extremism, Social Peace and Justice
2. Extremism, Desperation, and the Irrational
3. Radicalism and Instrumental Reason
4. The Role of Islamic Intellectual Tradition in Eliminating
   Religious Extremism
5. The Postmodern Age and Extremism

Scholars who are interested with this issue are kindly invited to
submit their papers. Abstracts of 250-300 words with a short vita are
to be sent to husain_h...@yahoo.com by April 28, 2014. Full papers
can be sent by May, 5, 2014. Final papers for publication, which
hopefully will be published by Paramadina University and RVP in a
joint volume, are due on October 5, 2014. 

The conference will not charge any fees. Participants, however, will
cover their own travel and accommodation. The organizer will provide
meals. The conference will be held at the Paramadina University, in
South Jakarta (it takes approximately one hour from Soekarno Hatta
Airport, Cengkareng). 


Husain Heriyanto
Islamic College for Advanced Studies
Paramadina University
Jl. Gatot Subroto Kav. 97
Jakarta 12790
Email: husain_h...@yahoo.com
Web: http://www.crvp.org/conf/2014/jakarta.htm


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