
Conference Announcement

Theme: The Ethics of Citizenship in the 21st Century
Type: International Conference
Institution: Institute for Culture and Society, University of Navarra
Location: Pamplona (Spain)
Date: 30.–31.5.2014


Since the emergence of the Athenian polis over two millennia ago, the
concept of citizenship has played a central role in the
self-understanding and internal organization of Western societies.
However, with the advent of an increasingly fragmented and globalized
world, in which the traditional locus of citizenship, the state,
seems to be increasingly threatened in its social relevance and power
by global economic actors from without, and by moral, religious, and
political tensions from within, the future of citizenship as the
proverbial "glue" of society seems to hang in the balance. This
conference aims to investigate the meaning and value of citizenship
in the modern world, with a view to developing ethical ideals of
citizenship and public life adapted to contemporary institutions and
social practices. Questions to be explored include: What are the
virtues that define, or ought to define, the good citizen? Should the
central paradigm of citizenship remain state and nation-based, or
should we adopt a more pluralistic and/or cosmopolitan approach? What
role, if any, should religion play in the definition of citizenship?
Is it possible to reconstruct an ideal of citizenship that is both
ecumenical among diverse cultures and worldviews and simultaneously
"thick" enough to capture our imaginations and loyalty? Indeed, to
what extent, if at all, should we continue to rely on traditional
political categories such as citizenship to guide our public life?

The conference will bring together scholars who study the practice of
citizenship from a variety of different perspectives, and is designed
to foster serious dialogue and conversation among participants. For
each paper, the presenter will have 45 minutes to present, followed
by a critical response of approximately 15 minutes, and 30 minutes of
open discussion among all of the participants.

If you are interested in attending the conference, please contact
David Thunder (dthun...@unav.es) so that we can make an accurate
estimate of the number of participants.

All conference proceedings will be held in Aula 30, 2nd floor of
Edificio Central, University of Navarra.

Below, please find a preliminary schedule:

Friday 30th May

9:30    Conference Registration
10:00   Introduction by David Thunder
10:15   "What is it Like to Be a Good Citizen?"
        Simon Keller (Victoria University of Wellington, New
11:45   Coffee Break
12:15   "The Affective Dimension of Citizenship in a Changing
        Emma Cohen de Lara (Amsterdam University College,
        University of Amsterdam)
13:45   Lunch Break
15:45   "Autonomy and the Attitude of Toleration"
        Ryan Davis (Harvard University)
17:15   Coffee Break
17:30   "Varieties of Citizenship and the Moral Foundations of
        Bill English (Harvard University)
18:55   Conference Sessions Conclude

Saturday 31st May

10:00   "Conscientious Citizenship: A Philosophical Examination
        of Conscience Claims in the Public Sphere"
        Angela Miceli (University of Navarra, ICS)
11:30   Coffee Break
12:00   "From Social Practices to Reflective Agency: A Postsecular
        Ethics of Citizenship?"
        Paolo Monti (Università Cattólica del Sacro Cuore, Milan)

13:30   Lunch Break
15:30   "The Creative Dimension of Citizenship and Its Neglect
        in Law-Based Paradigms of Justice"
        David Thunder (University of Navarra, ICS)
17:00   Conference Sessions Conclude

The Conference is organized by the Religion & Civil Society Project
at the Institute for Culture & Society, University of Navarra.

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