
Call for Papers

Theme: Political Theory
Type: 11th MANCEPT Workshops in Political Theory
Institution: Manchester Centre for Political Theory (MANCEPT),
University of Manchester
Location: Manchester (United Kingdom)
Date: 8.–10.9.2014
Deadline: 23.5.2014 or later


The MANCEPT Workshops in Political Theory 2014 is an annual
conference in political theory, organised under the auspices of the
Manchester Centre for Political Theory. This year’s conference will
be the eleventh event in the series and will take place on Monday 8th
September until Wednesday 10th September at the Arthur Lewis
Building, University of Manchester. Over the last ten years,
participants from over twenty five countries have come together in a
series of workshops focussing on political theory/philosophy widely
construed. Last year the workshops had more than 200 delegates
attending, and the conference is now established as a leading
international forum dedicated to the discussion of research in
political theory.


- Animals in Political Theory (Steve Cooke, Federico Zuolo)
- Autonomy in Moral and Political Philosophy (Chris Mills)
- Bringing the People back into Republican Democracy (Guy Aitchison,
  Bruno Leipold)
- Children and Political Philosophy (Johannes Drerup, Gunter Graf,
  Christoph Schickhardt, Gottfried Schweiger)
- Conceptions of Liberty: Ancient & Modern (Eleni Leontsini David
- Conceptualizing Legitimacy in Political Philosophy (Silje Aambø
  Langvatn, Enzo Rossi)
- Forgiveness and Conflict (Paula Satne)
- Freedom and its Measurement (Andreas Schmidt, Ronen Shnayderman)
- Global Justice: Radical Perspectives (Maeve McKeown, Alasia Nuti)
- Global Justice, Utilitarianism, and Cosmopolitanism (Benjamin
  Bourcier, Malik Bozzo-Rey)
- Hobbes: from ontology and epistemology to morality and politics (Tom
- Incivility, Disobedience, and Whistleblowing: Bad Citizenship or
  Democratic Dissent? (Manohar Kumar, Daniele Santoro, Derek Edyvane,
  Enes Kulenovic)
- Justice and Immigration  (Benjamin Boudou, Asrid von Busekist)
- Justice for Future Generations (Elizabeth Finneron-Burns, Erik
- Local Politics, Global Economics (Christine Hobden, Haye Hazenberg)
- Methods in Political Theory (Jens Olesen)
- Money (Philipp Degens, Simon Derpmann)
- Multiculturalism and Obligations: Individual, Group, Society, and
  State (Domenico Melidoro)
- Non-domination between Republicanism and Relational Egalitarianism
  (Sara Amighetti)
- Norm Geras’s Contribution to Marxism (David Bates, Mark Cowling,
  Paul Wetherly)
- No Reparation, Without Preparation! (Nathaniel Adam Tobias Coleman,
  Maeve McKeown)
- On the Idea of ‘Transitional Cosmopolitanism’ through Courts
  (Claudio Corradetti)
- Political Implications of Moral Bioenhancement (Christoph Bublitz,
  Norbert Paulo)
- Political Realism and International Relations Theory (Bertjan
- Public and Private Morality (Vuko Andric)
- Reproductive Public Health Ethics (Christian Munthe)
- Should Intuitions Matter? Exploring the role of intuitions in the
  justification of state punishment (Andrei Poama, Ambrose Lee)
- The Current State of Libertarian Political Philosophy (Andreas F.X.
- The Ethics of Recognition: Agents, Identities, and Institutions
  (Cillian McBride, Paddy McQueen)
- The Politics and Ethics of Regulation (Malik Bozzo-Rey, Karsten
  Klint Jensen, Xavier Landes)
- The Scope of Political Obligation (Ben Sachs)
- The War of Ethics in the Ethics of War (Milla Vaha, Ewan E. Mellor)
- Varieties of Aesthetic Politics (Giuseppe Ballacci, Matteo Giglioli)


The scheduling of each panel will be finalised in June/July. The
conference starts at 11am on Monday 8th September and finishes at
5.30pm on Wednesday 10th.

Every panel has its own deadline for submissions. Deadlines vary
between 23 May earliest and 1 July latest. For details please visit
the MANCEPT website: http://www.mancept.com

Workshop Structure

Convenors organize a workshop that has between 3 and 12
paper-givers.  The presentation of these papers takes place over four
sessions, each lasting three and a half hours. Workshops with 3 paper
givers normally require only one session, if there are 6 papers, then
we suggest 2 sessions and so on. In most cases, paper-givers will be
asked to speak for 30 minutes, and will then field questions and
comments for a further 30 minutes. Workshop convenors are, however,
free to organize the length of presentation and question time as they
see fit.  A workshop can last for one session, or it may extend
through all four. For example, some may find it convenient to squeeze
four paper-givers into one session or use 2 sessions with 2 papers
presented per session. Also, if a workshop has, say, 5 paper-givers,
the second session can finish an hour early. On occasion workshop
convenors in the past have had a ’round table’ discussion about a
particular topic. This could have up to six speakers and would
normally last for only one session.

Please also note that workshop convenors decide which papers to
accept in their workshop. (We, the conference organisers, do not vet
papers and workshops range from those which discuss fully developed
papers to those where nascent ideas are given their first hearing.)
There is no conference policy on whether papers should be circulated
to other workshop participants in advance; this is for the workshop
convenors to decide.  We do provide a conference website where papers
can be posted. Alternatively, they can be circulated among workshop
paper-givers through email.

While participants in the MANCEPT workshops need not be paper givers,
and workshop chairs may decide not to deliver a paper, all delegates
must be attached to a particular workshop and their attendance agreed
by with the workshop convenor. Note, too, that delegates are free to
attend any workshop they like during the 4 sessions when their own
workshop is not meeting.

Website of MANCEPT Workshops:


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Intercultural Philosophy Calendar:



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