
Call for Publications

Theme: Applying Wasatiyyah (Moderation) in Contemporary Muslim
Publication: American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences (AJISS)
Date: Special Issue (July 2015)
Deadline: 15.1.2015


Religious tolerance and mutual respect among members of different
religious communities is vital in today’s global context. Citizens
must learn to develop empathy by recognizing and understanding the
religious and cultural “other” living among them. This tolerance, an
imperative in today’s multifaith and multicultural societies, also
calls for intrafaith tolerance and respect within Muslim communities.
Can the Qur’anic concept of ummatan wasata become the source of
overall wasatiyyah (moderation and equilibrium) promoted by Islam
from its very early days? The classical notion of wasatiyyah can
serve as a critical religious instrument to both further and maintain
social cohesion founded upon the twin principles of justice and
peaceful coexistence. From Islam’s early days, this notion has been
of paramount importance to many Muslim thinkers. Contemporary social
scientists, intellectuals, policymakers, and religious leaders who
are aware of minority religious groups’ increasing calls for greater
political autonomy and participation in shaping their own destiny are
once again demanding lasting solutions to discrimination and mutual
dehumanization of the “other” in our midst.

This special issue invites scholars to reflect upon and respond to
the notion of mutual respect and acceptance in order to provide a
“stepping stone” for further study and research on applying
wasatiyyah and to reflect upon the ongoing ac- complishments and
challenges, particularly in Muslim societies.

- Social sciences and humanities-based research papers reflecting on
  all aspects of applying wasatiyyah in contemporary Muslim societies.
- Book reviews related to the theme.
- Shorter reflection pieces of 2,000-3,000 words.

- Theoretical papers examining the successes/failures of applying
  wasatiyyah in contemporary societies.
- Historical studies of underlying structural forces in contemporary
  applications of wasatiyyah.
- Case studies, qualitative interviews, and oral histories of key
  people or organizations on the application of wasatiyyah in the
  Muslim world.
- The impact of political institutions, media, religious authorities,
  women’s groups, and youth on promoting moderation.
- Critical studies of the work of scholars who seek to apply
  wasatiyyah in their societies.
- The authority of modern ulama in promoting/resisting religious
- In-depth explorations of the Muslim world’s prevalent political
  systems, their power structures, and their ability to promote/oppose
  religious moderation.
- Muslim responses to specific issues: democracy, pluralism and
  tolerance; freedom of religion and conscience, women’s rights and
  equality of all citizens; legal and economic reforms in the context
  of the modern nation-state.
- Experience of Muslims living as minorities in majority non-Muslim
  or majority sectarian situations and their take on wasatiyyah.
- The role of Muslim educational institutions, intellectuals, secular
  nationalism or modernization in reinforcing wasatiyyah in
  contemporary societies.

Regular research papers should be 7,000-10,000 words. All submissions
must conform to AJISS guidelines: be original, unpublished research;
double-spaced and single-sided; and conform to the Chicago Style.

- Send a brief note of intent to contribute immediately.
- Send the completed paper by January 15, 2015 as an attachment in
  MS-Word, with a 250-word abstract and a short bio, simultaneously

Submission Deadline: January 15, 2015
Decision Date: March 16, 2015
Publication Date: July 2015

Prof. Ahmad Yousif
Prof. Abdulaziz Sachedina
Dr. Ermin Sinanovic

The American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences (AJISS) is a double
blind peer-reviewed and interdisciplinary journal published by the
International Institute of Islamic Thought. AJISS publishes a wide
variety of peer-reviewed scholarly research on all facets of Islam
and the Muslim world: politics, history, economic philosophy,
metaphysics, psychology, religious law, and Islamic thought,
employing both empirical and theoretical analysis. AJISS aims to
provide a forum for high-quality original research and critical
dialogue and discussion, advancing both application of social
sciences to the study of Islam and the Muslim world and an analysis
of the social sciences. In addition, AJISS includes insightful
reviews of published books of interest to our subscribers, as well as
forum articles and conference reports.


Zakyi Ibrahim
California State University, Fullerton
Comparative Religion Department
800 N. State College Blvd.
Fullerton, CA 92831
Phone: +1 657 278-8241
Email: zibra...@fullerton.edu


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