
Call for Papers

Theme: Inter-Cultural Dialogues
Type: 3rd International Symposium
Institution: Institut en Perfectionnement en Langues Vivantes,
Université Catholique de l’Ouest
   International Network for Alternative Academia
Location: Angers (France)
Date: 25.–27.8.2014
Deadline: 21.7.2014


This trans-disciplinary research project is interested in exploring
the diverse ways in which notions of culture and cultural
interactions have impacted, at global and local levels, ongoing
constructions of identity, society and politics, as well as
frameworks of knowledge, ideology and truth.

It has become a common place to speak about globalization as a
process that has made the world smaller and more interconnected. But
beneath such claims multiple processes remain analytically undefined
and critically unexplored. We are interested in assessing how ideas
of culture and cultural interactions shape identity, membership,
place, rootedness and belonging while simultaneously encouraging
misunderstanding, tension and conflict, estrangement, isolation and
alienation. In particular, the project will investigate world
transformations that have structured cultural flows, given rise to
new forms of hybridity, increased nomadic lives and encouraged the
proliferation of transitory and transversal interconnections.

We invite colleagues from all disciplines and professions interested
in exploring and explaining these issues in a collective,
deliberative and dialogical environment to send presentation
proposals that address these general questions or the following

1. Contemporary Reconfigurations of Culture: Who Cares?

- What new conceptions of culture are emerging?
- How can we account for the emergence of new and contemporary
  conceptions of culture? What kind of processes can explain why
  culture is seen today as multiple, polyvalent and even internally
- How are contemporary conceptions of culture remaking conceptions of
  self and other, recasting our understanding of our links, bonds and
  relations, requiring us to rethink antinomies and antagonisms?
- How can we transform the binary perversions and contradictory
  forces of culture: diversity versus homogeneity, multiplicity versus
  sameness, alterity versus normality, recognition versus
- The textures of cultures in contemporary landscapes seem at one and
  the same time fixed and fluid, porous and hermetic, rigid and
  flexible, liquid and solid. How are these divisions to be explained?
  What factors hold them in play?
- How can we rethink the concept of culture, such that it overcomes
  its conceptual and historical limits?
- Do we really need the concept of culture? What does this concept
  help to reveal? What does the concept shroud?

2. Cultural Boundaries, Peoples and Places: Why Bother?

- With the push towards the dislocation and decoupling of culture and
  nation, of culture and place, of culture and history, how are new
  solidarities, new ethnicities, and new nations taking shape?
- As we witness the dismantling and de-mythologizing culture’s
  prominent place in nationally bound identities and histories, what
  is being offered to fill in the gap? If we are witnessing the death
  of national culture, what is being born to take its place?
- How can we understand the resurgence of the local, in light of the
  diminishing importance of the national and global?
- What does it mean, today, to be part of a culture and to be part of
  multiple cultures? Why does it matter?
- How are new forms of global migration influencing the development
  of the hybridity, helping to reconcile of cultural difference and
  cultural diversity?
- What are the political, social and ethical problems with the
  politics of imposing ‘culture’ onto others? Whose rights and
  responsibilities need to be addressed? How are these issues being
  resolved in practice via policies of assimilation, integration,
  adaptation in the case of the ‘forcing’ of native cultures on

3. Identities and Inter-Subjectivities: What Difference?

- Are we witnessing the fragmentation or the ever more stringent
  amalgamation of the self?
- How is the de-centering of the self influencing our understanding
  of the other, recasting the bonds between us, and reshaping the
  contours of our relationships?
- How do tensions, contradictions and conflicts in and between
  cultures influence identity formation and structure social
- What new sources and forms of belonging do we see emerging from the
  re-definition of culture? What are the relative strengths and
  weaknesses of new forms of tribalism, localism, parochialism and
- How are bonds of care established across boundaries of inequality
  and exclusion, ideologies and religions, politics and power, nations
  and geography?
- Who am I if not in relation with others? How does relationality
  inform identity?
- How do silence, the adoption of subaltern positions and strategic
  subordinations affect identity formation? How do they affect
  perceptions of identity?
- Is non-recognition a form of cultural violence?
- How do we frame an ethics in an age of disrespect and entitlement?
- How are new forms of communication impacting the emergence of
  identities? What is the impact of social networks, video games and
  online communities on the display, performance and construction of

4. Cultural Formations: Who Knows?

- What are the dynamics and processes that define the central tenets
  of a culture?
- How are cultures defined and redefined? Who participates in the
  social and political task of defining and redefining culture?
- What is shared within cultures? How are cultures shared? Who has
  access to the sharing of cultures?
- Who destroys culture? What processes and procedures are utilized in
  this process?
- How are symbols and significations used to connect people to
  cultures other than ‘their own’? What are the strengths of such
  attempts at unification? What are the weaknesses?
- How is culture shaped by ideals of destiny, happenstance, choice
  and politics in this process?
- Culture appears to be an infinite source for the production of
  contradictory signification and meaning. How is it employed for the
  construction of identity and membership? How is it employed as a
  means for exclusion?

5. Politicizing Culture: What Matters?

- How has culture been transformed into a battle ground for politics
  and the political? To what affect?
- Political battles over the principles and core values of a culture
  or over those principles that exist in across cultures pose
  challenges for government agencies and social groups. How are these
  battles being framed discursively? How are they being resolved in
- The dynamics of cultural recognition and misrecognition preoccupy
  government agencies and social movements. How are these processes
  best conceptualized?
- What is the place of cultural claims in today’s forms of social and
  political membership?
- How are trans-cultural connections that escape institutional and
  political control formed? How viable and stable are the bonds forged
  in this manner?
- When cultural practices conflict with human rights claims, how are
  cultural heritage and political responsibility being balanced? How
  should they be balanced?

6. Art and Cultural Representations: Why Pretend?

- What is the role of the media in the construction of cultures and
- What are the means of production and reproduction by which cultural
  recognition and misrecognition develop?
- How should the contested space of representing meaning and identity
  be negotiated?
- How can art, media challenge the rigid and impenetrable
  constructions of culture? How can it perpetuate such ideals of
- How does art foster cultural membership? How can it be employed in
  reconfiguring and reshaping such identifications?
- Culture may be seen as fiction and fiction as culture. Given this
  is the case, is there the possibility for the truth in/of art?

7. Crossing Cultural Boundaries: Who’s Watching?

- How are cultural boundaries subject to interpenetration,
  overlapping, crossovers, interlacing, hybridization and
  interdependence? To what affect?
- How are emerging languages, idioms and images bridging the
  ‘invisible’ divide of cultures?
- How is recognition and respect across cultures fostered? How is it
- Can we revamp historical concepts such as tolerance, acceptance and
  hospitality to mesh with contemporary conceptions of cultural
- How is the concept of time employed in the reinterpretation of
  culture? What is the role of nostalgia, memory and forgetting in the
  merging and emergence of new cultures?
- How might we develop an ethics for cultural relations?

If you are interested in participating in this Annual Symposium,
submit a 400 to 500 word abstract as soon as possible and no later
than Monday, 21st of July, 2014. (For justifiable cases, we do uphold
a tolerance period of fifteen days.)

Please use the following template for your submission:
1) Author(s);
2) Affiliation, if any;
3) Email Address;
4) Title of Abstract and Proposal;
5) The 400 to 500 Word Abstract. 

To submit an abstract online follow these steps:
1) Go to our webpage: www.alternative-academia.net
2) Select your Symposium of choice within the list of annual events
   (listed by period and city)
3) Go to LOG IN at the top of the page
4) Create a User Name and Password for our system and log in
5) Click on the Call for Papers for the Symposium
6) Go to the end of the Call for Papers page and click on the First
   Step of Submission Process button
7) Follow the instructions provided for completing the abstract
   submission process 

For every abstract proposal submitted, we acknowledge receipt. If you
do not receive a reply from us within three days, you should assume
the submission process was not completed successfully. Please try
again or contact our technical support for clarifications.

All presentation and paper proposals that address these questions and
issues will be fully considered and evaluated. Evaluation of abstract
submissions will be ongoing, from the opening date of Monday 3rd of
March, 2014. All Prospective Delegates can expect a reply time to
their submission of three weeks.

Accepted abstracts will require a full draft paper by Monday 11th of
August, 2014. Papers are for a 20 minute presentation, 8 to 10 pages
long, double spaced, Times New Roman 12. All papers presented at the
symposium are eligible for publication as part of a digital or
paperback book. 

Symposium Coordinators: 

Albin Wagener
Directeur de l'IPLV
Institut en Perfectionnement en Langues Vivantes
Université Catholique de l'Ouest
Angers, France
Email: albin.wage...@uco.fr 

Charlene Rajendran
Assistant Professor – Performance and Theatre Education
Visual and Performing Arts Academic Group
National Institute of Education
Nanyang Technological University
Email: charlen...@nie.edu.sg 

Alejandro Cervantes-Carson
General Coordinator
International Network for Alternative Academia
Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
Email: a...@alternative-academia.net

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