
Call for Papers

Theme: Diversity in Organizations, Communities, and Nations
Type: 15th International Conference
Institution: University of Hong Kong
Location: Hong Kong (China)
Date: 15.–17.7.2015
Deadline: 5.6.2014


This Conference has a history of bringing together scholarly,
government and practice-based participants with an interest in the
issues of diversity and community. The conference examines the
concept of diversity as a positive aspect of a global world and
globalised society. Diversity is in many ways reflective of our
present world order, but there are ways of taking this further
without necessary engendering its alternatives: racism, conflict,
discrimination and inequity. Diversity as a mode of social existence
can be projected in ways that deepen the range of human experience.
The conference will seek to explore the full range of what diversity
means and explore modes of diversity in real-life situations of
living together in community. The conference supports a move away
from simple affirmations that ‘diversity is good’ to a much more
nuanced account of the effects and uses of diversity on differently
situated communities in the context of our current epoch of

We are inviting proposals for paper presentations, workshops /
interactive sessions, posters / exhibits, or colloquia addressing
Diversity through one of the following themes:

Theme 1: Identity and Belonging

Individuals ascribe meanings to their personae, or meanings are
ascribed to them by others and through processes of social
categorization. Sometimes these processes are classified as
exclusionary, either on a person to person affective basis, or
through systemic or structural exclusion—hence classifications such
as racism, sexism. At other times, inclusive remedies are prescribed
to the injustices of differences, including for instances equity,
access, multiculturalism, tolerance and recognition.

- Dimensions of individual differences (ethnicity, gender, race,
  socio-economic, indigenous, religion, sexual orientation,
- Cultural history, oral history and cultural ‘renaissance’
- Dynamics of diversity (inclusion, exclusion, assimilation,
  integration, pluralism)
- Social justice, injustice, and redress
- Media representations of identities or groups
- Intercultural relations
- Experiences with “the other” (tourism, travel, exchanges, aid
- Exclusionary ‘isms’: racism, sexism, heterosexism, ageism, ableism,
  nationalism, capitalism
- The ‘-isms’ with agendas: feminism, anti-racism, multiculturalism,

Theme 2: Education and Learning in a World of Differences

The varied backgrounds and attributes of learners have an enormous
impact on their engagement with learning and their educational and
social outcomes. Learner differences cross dimensions that are
material (social class, geographical locale and family), corporeal
(age, race, sex and sexuality, and physical and mental capacities)
and symbolic (culture or ethnicity, language, gender, affinity and
persona). In this thematic area, we explore strategies for
negotiating these differences, from the microdynamics of pedagogy, to
the agendas of curriculum, the nuances of assessment, the
organizational structures of the educational institution and its
relations with the communities it services.

- Dimensions of individual differences in learning
- Inclusive education
- Educational policies and practices related to diversity
- Curricular and instructional frameworks for addressing diversity
- Educating teachers, administrators, community members in diversity
- Language diversity and learning new languages
- Service or experiential learning and intercultural understanding
- Multicultural, cross-cultural, international and global education
Theme 3: Organizational Diversity

‘Managing diversity’ has emerged as a distinct agenda in the business
and economics of diversity. This focus encompasses organizational
diversity in private, public, and community organizations, including
workplace culture, recruitment and promotion, human resource
development, team work and relationships with diverse clienteles.
Includes explorations of the impact of government and regulatory
policies on the workplace. Explores the local and global diversity,
as well as the full range of issues of diversity arising in
workplaces, from gender, to sexual orientation, to culture and
language, to disability.

- Management: employment policies and practices
- Beyond legislative and regulatory compliance: disabilities,
  workplace harassment, discrimination
- Design issues related to access and accommodation of diverse needs
- Mediation: cultural assumptions and practical outcomes
- Markets and diversity: niche markets, customization and service
- Leveling the playing field: global economics, fair trade,
  outsourcing, and equal opportunity

Theme 4: Community Diversity and Governance

This theme examining the processes of governance and democracy in
diverse communities. It explores the consequences of global human
movement (e.g., immigrants, refugees) on local communities, and the
development in response of multicultural policies and practices. It
also investigates community self-governance and community capacity

- Democracy and diversity: questions of representation and voice
- Defining human necessities and insuring access: housing, medicine,
  food, water
- Human rights, civil rights
- ‘Mainstreaming’ or ‘integration’ versus services based on unique
  cultural identities
- The politics of community leadership: challenges for local
- The globalization of human rights and local sovereignty

Proposal ideas that extend beyond these thematic areas will also be

For more information please visit the conference website:


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