
Conference Announcement

Theme: Philosophical Method in Chinese and German Philosophy
Type: International Conference
Institution: Academy for Civic Education Tutzing
   Society of Intercultural Philosophy
   University of Cologne
   Sihai Confucius Academy Beijing
Location: Tutzing (Germany)
Date: 1.–4.7.2014


In the last years it has turned out that Chinese and German
philosophy have a surprising amount of fundamental philosophical
themes in common. In the philosophical dialogue between the two
traditions of philosophy it has become clear too, that it could be
prosperous for deepening the insight in both traditions to focus not
so much on the philosophical themes metaphysics and ethics is
concerned with, but more on the method leading philosophical
knowledge of such themes.

In order to initiate and facilitate this dialogue on philosophical
method we would like to invite you to take part in our international
conference in Tutzing.


Tuesday, 1st of July, 2014:

13:45 Welcome and introduction

14:15 On the Methodology of Chinese Philosophy as Comparative
Haiming WEN, Renmin University of China, Beijing

15:15 How to Do Chinese Philosophy in the Western Context:
Introducing a Unique Methodology
Yong HUANG, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

16:15 Coffee break

16:30 Reflexion
Michael HOFER, Catholic-Theological Private University Linz

17:30 The Beginning of Thought
Christian KRIJNEN, VU University Amsterdam

18:30 Dinner

20:00 On Integrative Thinking in Chinese Philosophy from Yijing to
Chung-ying CHENG, University of Hawaii at Mānoa

Wednesday, 2nd of July, 2014:

8:15  Breakfast

9:00  Ways of thinking: Is contradiction the essence of being?
Claudia BICKMANN, University of Cologne

10:00 Immediacy and Contradiction in Hegel’s Dialectic
Rainer SCHÄFER, Beijing

11:00 Coffee break

11:30 Chinese Correlative Thinking and the Method of Abduction
Roger AMES, University of Hawaii at Mānoa

12:30 Lunch

14:15 Kant’s Idea of Time and Space Understood in Perspective of
Taoism and Buddhism Zhengkun GU, Peking University

15:15 Transcendental Openness in Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit
Paul COBBEN, Tilburg University

16:15 Coffee break

16:30 Hegel’s Methodological Approach to History and Logic
Wilhelm SCHMIDT-BIGGEMANN, Technical University of Berlin

17:30 The Idea of Zhongdao in Tsinghua Bamboo Text Baoxun
Tao LIANG, Renmin University of China, Beijing

18:30 Dinner

Thursday, 3rd of July, 2014:

8:15  Breakfast

9:00  Founding without Fundaments – Hegel’s Logic
Michael SPIEKER, Academy for Civic Education Tutzing

10:00 Dialectic and Irony in Hegel and Kierkegaard
Lore HÜHN, University of Freiburg

11:00 Coffee break

11:30 The Chinese Aesthetical Paradigms and Their Human Nature
Foundation Yi GUO, Seoul National University

12:30 Lunch
afterwards common excursion with dinner

Friday, 4th of July, 2014:

8:15  Breakfast

9:00  Canon Studies (Jingxue) as Confucian Methodology
Christian SOFFEL, University of Trier

10:00 The Religious and Ethical Approach to the Truth by Confucians
Lun DU, University of Duisburg-Essen

11:00 Coffee break

11:15 The Theory of Moral Instinct in Mencius
Nam-In LEE, Seoul National University

12:15 Final Remarks

12:30 Lunch


Michael Spieker, Akademie für Politische Bildung
Claudia Bickmann, University of Cologne
Christian Krijnen, VU University Amsterdam

Registration latest until 13th of June, 2014.

Further information can be found under:


Alexandra Tatum-Nickolay, Conference Office
Akademie für Politische Bildung Tutzing
Buchensee 1
D-82327 Tutzing
Tel: +49 8158 256-17
Fax: +49 8158 256-51
Email: a.tatum-nicko...@apb-tutzing.de
Web: http://www.apb-tutzing.de


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